I'm 18, all natural, 185lbs
Bench Max: 350x1
Squat Max: 375x1
Power clean: 235x1
Deadlift: 405x1
I know I could probably be stronger but for age and weight these are decent right?
I'm 18, all natural, 185lbs
Bench Max: 350x1
Squat Max: 375x1
Power clean: 235x1
Deadlift: 405x1
I know I could probably be stronger but for age and weight these are decent right?
you know those aren't bad, brag session over. you would think if your bench is 350, your max squat would be more than 375
I went through a little stint where I didnt work legs at all, started off with a knee injury then just got lazy on that half of the body lol
Is this all raw? Your bench is really good for you age and weight, but the DL and esp the squat need some work, they are still decent tho.Originally Posted by Redalert
bump for pics
Those numbers aren't too unlikely. The best lifters in my high school had similar number. We had a couple guys a bit heavier do 330/405/405 my senior year. Our HS records were 350/500/455. I must admit, all of us were a bit larger than 185.
What does raw mean? is that like squat suits? if it is then I usually just lift in a tee shirt and basketball shorts, I do squats barefoot. I dont use straps cause they take too long to to tie down. As for pics I have them but the'yre bit map and too large to post, is there a 3rd party I can post them on and link to?
Last edited by Redalert; 03-28-2006 at 05:35 PM.
Raw means no suits, no straps, and usually doesn't incude wraps. Belts are usually permitted in raw meets.
Here are some pics of me, practicing for a little fundraiser/highschool body building contest so I look a little sloppy. Before cutting water.
Pretty good for 18 years old. I weight 170 right now, and I can squat about 525lbs. I can rep 495 about 4 times. My last set of bench is 325lbs 6 times, but I have no idea what my max would be.
mighty mouse, nice numbers bro. keep it up
Im all natural right now....... but im 19 and bench 400 at 215 pounds and my dead lifit is 500 even so I know how hard it is to get those numbers you got, good job and keep it up.
not bad but you wont win a comp with that squat and your pull is very poor,no offence.at your age and natural at 180lb i could only bench 260lb but i squated500lb and pulled 600lb.....yeah i know useless bench,even now that i have the total teenage world records my bench is only 420lb with a shirt but my pull is in mid 700s.
train hard and get squating and pulling cause a big bench alone wont win any thing,may be a bench show however!
hell yeah, got a bench comp coming up between all the fraternities...I plan on winning...20yrs old, 210lbs...raw bench (wrist wraps) 455...My sqaut is piss poor I know 495, and the DL 565. Flame away....
Flame away? haha Those are pretty good numbers.Originally Posted by stacked566
i'll flame you for being in a frat....
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