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Thread: the new deadlift program i am working on preview,

  1. #1
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    the new deadlift program i am working on preview,

    the way i have it set is for a sumo deadlifter, we can alter this if you are conventional


    sumo dead, conventional pull speed of 2-4 inch block, SLDL next wk would like

    regular squats, sumo jump stretch platform for speed or if you dont have the platform, do olympic cleans , rack deadlifts
    alternate every other wk , percentages will increase(i have a rough idea of how, i am not at home rt now , i have them at my house)

    now on friday, you would throw in the close stance high bar squats, (boxes or pause, 2- 3 sets of 8 and good mornings 2- 3sets of 8. you can do the auxillary work the same way as the iron man HIT program if you prefer.( i plan on stoping here and working on my shirted press and tris on this day) or if you fell like more volume you can add in some easier leg movemnets like extensions and leg curls for 2-3 sets of 10 -12,( if i was using the iron man HIT idea i would never do any more volume tham the firs 2 exercises) this is a light day, you will be already really burnt out form the wednesday routine

    again i am still altering this, it is just a rough outline, basicaly the volume will be very similar to the spread sheet i have been fwding to everyone(at least for the auxilaries) for the main lifts, it will be different,, program will be 14 wks of training 15 th wk off, than it is meet time
    the program will begin using about 60% of your max and it will take you to 95% lets say wk one is 3 sets of 60% for 6, after this you will jump 10% for one single and than it i time to hit the auxillaries this will only be done in the lighter wks when you reach using 80% and higher for working sets, the single is taken out of the program.

    here is another option, the first routine i would like more if i was doing a deadlift only meet . this routine i would consider doing for a 3 lift meet
    it is similar, but a little different


    wk A sumo dead, conventional pull speed of 2-4 inch block, partial squats

    WK B would like regular squats, sumo jump stretch platform, partial deads


    WkA close stance box squats and SLDL

    Wk B manta squats or front squats and g mornnings

    basically i am using the idea that sarge rock gave me about try to do dead from the floor every other wk instead of every wk, using boltons basic program layout,using the same volume the spread sheet routine uses, while incorporating benny mags speed pulls rt after your main exericse and his hypertrophy idea(read his routine, at the end of his workouts he does regular dead for 2 sets od 8 using 50%) but not doing it on the same day that you do your core lifts and not using the deadlift only to induce hypertrophy(thus the SLDL's and G morns) again i am still working out the final percentages for this, it isnt completed, i am still tinkering with it
    Last edited by Doc.Sust; 04-28-2006 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    cold hot zone

    I can sort of make sense out of it. So far this is what Im gathering

    Week 1 (Im a conventional puller)
    Conventional Pulls off 2-4 box
    Glute Ham Raises
    Reverse Hypers

    Week 2
    Squats (Box or Narrow Stance)
    Speed Pulls of Jump Stretch Platform
    Reverse Hypers
    Glute Ham Raises

    *I threw in the GHR's or Reverse Hypers, but obviously optional

    Week 1 Day 2
    Narrow Squats (box or pause)
    Iron man auxillary work

    Is that pretty much the basic template your working on?
    Last edited by artica; 04-29-2006 at 07:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Week 1 ( conventional puller)
    Conventional Pulls
    than speed pull of the 2- 4 inch box
    Reverse Hypers
    throw out the GHR's too much volume remember you will doing more leg work 48 hrs later

    Week 2
    Squats (Box or Narrow Stance)
    Speed Pulls of Jump Stretch Platform
    good mornings

    i have to different programs in the post, one is geared towrds a 3 lift more and one deadlift only, this is the one i would use for dead only

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    cold hot zone
    Oh, ok. Well im interested in the three lift routine so oopss. im reading the wrong stuff. Thanks for clarifying before I make a mistake. hehe

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    re read the post, it should be in there

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