The IPF has banned Russia from its fedaration for 1 year because of 4 lifters failing drug tests in one go. There are going to be some big lifters looking for a new fed to lift in this year.
The IPF has banned Russia from its fedaration for 1 year because of 4 lifters failing drug tests in one go. There are going to be some big lifters looking for a new fed to lift in this year.
Do you know what they tested positive for??
no mate just that 4 lifters tested positive , i have been looking thought websites trying to find out who they are and what for but no luck so far mate.
suprise suprise suprise, NOT! the ipf/usapl is just like any other organization,full of weightlifters who take juice. i am sure we have some good old merican athletes on "gas" as well comperteing in both organizations. jeff lewis just recently got the boot from usapl for juice. all this does is prove all along i was right, EVERY organization is corrupt, there is no true drug free lifting anymore and never will be
urkaine have been suspended as well . This takes alot of ipf champions out of the picture but they will probably jump over to GPC or WPF and compete in these fedarations where there is no drug testing , althought theres a rumour the ipf may ban the lifters from competeing in other fedarations , and if the do they will have a life time ban
the ipf cant control the other organizations and force them to ban these lifters. they can ban them from the ipf for life, but nowhere else
yes i know they can't stop them lifting in other fedarations but the ipf have said that if the russians take a year off and don't lift in other feds they can then come back and lift for the ipf. but if they lift for another fed while in there 1 year ban then the ban will become for life .
ahh i see. also is the ukraine banned as well? take look at last yars results, all the russians and ukaraines pretty much won every division!!! i think one you get caught you should be banned for life, none of this you can conme back in a year shit, what kind of example does that set? all these ipf morons preach about how great the org. is and drug free, aparently the ipf thinks if you take a year off, you come back drug free,which isnt the case and makes no sense., chances are the russinas will do more juice during that hiatus than they ever did before
You were right doc? I remember a while a I said I was considering competing one more year in usapl even though I am juicing now, and my rasoning was that I wouldn't make it anymore corrupt. I was right too, doc! But what did I get in return from my brothers in iron? I got my head bitten off. Fact of the matter is that I should have been National champion when I was 21, but stalled to 4th because there were some punks were on the juice. So, I got criticized over my opinion that it would not be unfair for me to level the playing field and still compete in the usapl. I guess the russians don't have the conscience that I do, but then again maybe if some of the folks on this forum thrashed the russians they I got it, maybe they would have developed a conscience too.
Guess I am just cranky that there are guys making their own rules and I don't have the will to "cheat" as they do.
i remeber the post velkar, at that point in time, i still believed that some org. were actualy really drug free,now i know better, after meeting and talking with some of these so called"drug free champs" it just isnt so. yes there are great drug free lifters in this world, truth is, they never get the credit they deserve because they end up taking a 5th to the russians who are on "gas" and have an advantage. you did the right thing though velkar, the satisfaction level of winning but cheating may not be the same. a conscience is a good thing, but now i myself wonder if the thrashing you got was right or wrong? does it make it right if everyone is doing it? or is it still wrong? i will let everyone be there own judge , jury and executioner on this subject. i myself no longer hae a straong oppinion on the toipic, i look at it as a point of view from the eyes of the beholder, not myselfOriginally Posted by Velkar182
Your right doc. I think too many people finding it far too tempting to use juice when they see themselves in second third, or whatever place. They think, as I thought, "What if I juiced and moved up a spot or two." My point is that I would just like to level the playing field in a fed that doesn't have ridiculous amount of equipment. There is probably a break down of people that don't use it because 1. They are afraid to use juice (prolly most in this group don't use for this reason)
2. They are really concerned for their health and don't think juice is worth it (folks young and older who may even have used previously)
3. Those afraid of getting caught
4. Those with too limited access to juice
and finally 5. Those who are morally above the use of drugs
IF ANYONE BELIEVES THAT FOLKS OF CATEGORY 5 AREN'T A STRICTLY ISOLATED MINORITY, THEN YOU'RE DISALLUSIONED. What ever your occupation, if there were a drug that made you do your job easier and better, folks, and it happened to be illegal, who wouldn't take it? Sure, I'd imagine the use would not be as widespread as aas use, but then again jobs aren't always competitve and the livelihoods that strength athletics are. Just think about it, people.
I think it will always be the case that the best of every federation will be on juice, but more than that, they be the ones who are virtually experts at beating testing. So even if everone were tested, guaranteed they are on juice.
If you were to examine the history of drug usage, you'd find that early in the history of drugs the drugs changed a great deal. The first people learnign about testosterone would grind up dog testicles and inject themselves. Later laboratory test was produced and then phyto esterols from plants were used to make precusors and hormones. These days the drugs are constant and the method of beating tests are variable. That's why France was so pissed about Armstrong. They knew he was doping with EPO, but they couldn't figure out how he covered it up until a year or two later, which is why they didn't make such assertions until after the fact. Look at those goofy austrian skiers. They had a blood transfusion machine in a rotary telephone and would pump their old blood out and new blood in. INSANE!
The POINT is that someone who is serious about being the best will do anything to be the Muhamed Ali, the Gretzky or Nolan Ryan of their sport/ fed. So you'll always have atleast one guy that will do drugs. Then he pisses off the guys who should have beaten him, and before you know it, you have an epidemic. I guess I was one of those pissed of guys.
I've lifted in every drug tested federation there is and won all the titles but I played it clean-no drugs. I've been competing for thirty plus years and I can totally back up Doc. All of the federations are full of drugs and usually the only guys getting positive tests in the past few years were for using crap they bought at GNC. The USAPL is the biggest, most political bunch of hypocrits I have ever been associated with. They have an inside group of lifters who they protect and who are never tested in out of meet testing but go in there as an outsider and see what happens. I was tested five times in one year and only competed four times that year. The other supposedly tested federations are just about as bad since they only test at the large meets and never out of meet which is where people get caught.
Having competed against the Russians and Ukranians for years I have gotten some insight into their training. They love D-bol and eat it like candy. Not many of them stay on top long because they burn out quick.
I make no value judgements about steroids only saying that if you use them keep your honor and lift in the non tested federations. I also say if you lift in non-tested federations don't assume you are on a level playing ground.
In my opinion powerlifting is a lot cleaner than most sports in that we have federations for just about everybody and for the most part we all get along and learn from each other. Just look at the olympics. Tell me that women sprinters that look like world class bodybuilders are drug free-Are you kidding me? It's all bull shit guys. Just do the right thing for yourself and let others do what they have to. But that's just me. I'm getting off my soap box now and composing myself before I have a stroke or something.
you are a 100% right. usapl are hypocrits and they do have there favorites, same way it used to be when the uspf was the foreground to the IPF. i f people want to think that guys like kirk and Ed C were drug free they are living in fantasy camp. they just werent tested, actualy coan failed a drug test but it was kept pretty quiet.Originally Posted by pwrlftr2
the olympics are crooked and so is Plifitng
I agree you shouldn't say your drugfree when you aren't. I see this all the time and it bugs me.
truat me, i know IPF record holders of the past who never were tested and JUICED alot of there powerlifitng years. this is going back to when the USPF was thr organization that wass affiliated with the IPF.if you think about it, you may be able to guess who i am talking of,it isnt hard to figure out. one who i know through a friend absolutely admits to it, and the other, i know has failed drug tests at least twice, and everyone turned their heads and looked the other way.and it was never mentioned in any of the powerlifting magazines at the time.Originally Posted by suns
Kinda sad, but the truth is for any sports its all about fooling the public aka "the average joe". If you can get joe to believe they are drug free, its all good. Which surprisingly isnt that hard to do.
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