6/23 Dynamic BP
1.Hammer Curls: 40x3x10
2. Dynamic BP: 115 (w/ a light band around my back)x8x3 Fast and explosive
3. JM Press: 115x2x8, 135x2x6
4. Incline Tate Press: 40'sx4x10
5. Seated Cable Rows: 140x4x10
6. Roman Chair Sit-ups: 4x15
6/24 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
1. Chain Suspended GM's: 45x3x3, 135x3x3, 225x3, 245x3, 265x1 Bar was suspended at waist level.
2. Glute Ham Bench: 2x10 with a average band, 2x8 with a light and average band+4 with the average band+4
3. Bench Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 100x2x10 Weight held on chest, 100x2x8 weight held on forehead.