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Thread: 6/23 Dynamic BP & 6/24 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D

    6/23 Dynamic BP & 6/24 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl

    6/23 Dynamic BP
    1.Hammer Curls: 40x3x10
    2. Dynamic BP: 115 (w/ a light band around my back)x8x3 Fast and explosive
    3. JM Press: 115x2x8, 135x2x6
    4. Incline Tate Press: 40'sx4x10
    5. Seated Cable Rows: 140x4x10
    6. Roman Chair Sit-ups: 4x15

    6/24 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
    1. Chain Suspended GM's: 45x3x3, 135x3x3, 225x3, 245x3, 265x1 Bar was suspended at waist level.

    2. Glute Ham Bench: 2x10 with a average band, 2x8 with a light and average band+4 with the average band+4

    3. Bench Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 100x2x10 Weight held on chest, 100x2x8 weight held on forehead.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	chalkhands-ipa.jpg 
Views:	127 
Size:	14.6 KB 
ID:	10877  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    I tried the pause on my DE bench work on sat. both my partner and I were faster than ussual.

    My guess is you also used a pause even with the bands.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    I have added the pause in on a regular basis now, and will continue to use the pause until it does not provide the results I want. It helps me get the proper groove on the bar, resulting in a faster press. I think the pause works best for lifters who have not developed a premenant bar path.


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