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  1. #1
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    Can i be a pretty powerlifter?

    I really like being gets me laid. could i use the metal militia training for bench but only do the shirt day and on the tuesday do a regular bb chest workout? like a 4 day split plus on saturday , shirt train? ill bulk ill just be doing a clean bulk. i might get some more fat on me in the winter but for right now having abs is kinda of important.

  2. #2
    Squatman51's Avatar
    Squatman51 is offline Senior Member
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    haha whats your weight now...yea there are many powerlifters that are very thin and many that look like BB's

  3. #3
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    like me...

    i wish

  4. #4
    Squatman51's Avatar
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    my first national meet i went to there were many thin kids who looked like they had never lifted a weight before lifting loads of weight.... the 165lb juniors impressed me one of them just looked like a skinny nerdy kind of kid but he pulled over 600 i was like wow

  5. #5
    kdawg21's Avatar
    kdawg21 is offline Associate Member
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    uh I dont know how to respond to this........ I have never seen the words pretty and powerlifter in the same sentence so I am a little shell shocked.

  6. #6
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    im 205 around 11%.

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    do the militia routine, but dont add in a BBIng day it will be to much volume, you can powerlift and be skinny. i am , all i do is keep a god diet and thats it. i keep abs year round and do powerlifting only and no cardio

  8. #8
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    i kinda jsut wnat to hit my pecs more becuase they are small in comparision to the rest of me. my triceps will be massive and ill have a small chest i sjtu think that would look wierd. no i meant take off a day from the militia and replace that with a bb day

  9. #9
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    i think im jsut going to do alot of research and get stronger before i even think about competing. ill keep you psoted with progress and such. i dotn know if gettign a shirt now would even be a smart move. cause it wont fit in like a month

  10. #10
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    trust me, you willl get enough pec, i wouldnt throw a bbing day in, it will just over train you. when you mix and match training like powerlifting an bbing, results turn out poor for both, it is just one or the other, a jack off all trades is a master of nothing

  11. #11
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i dont have the time now, but what i can do is custom tailor the militia program for you , we will have to make a few changes, it will still be primarily a Plifting program, but on tuesday we will start you out on flat for some reps instead of workingup to 3rep max, give me some inmput, what did you plan on doing on tuesday? write it out for me , and let me see what i am working with

  12. #12
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    If you keep lean. You won't look bad. When I wreslted in highschool and I went from 205 to [email protected]% bf before cutting water weight down to 154 for the matches (they gave two pounds allowance after Xmas in PA) and I didn't look bad. But I diidn't look good. I used to train with low volumes in HS so I looked blocky. What I mean by that is the I didn't have sweeps in my quads or rounded delts. But I was ripped to the bone.
    These days I have some of the craziest volume so I am much rounder in the muscles. If you PL you can look dense but you won't have the pretty build of a BBer. Even with the volume I do my pecs aren't nice because I never do incline bench work, so my chest lacks the appearance of size due to the lack of upper chest hypertrophy.

  13. #13
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    this is what my chest workout looks like right now

    3 sets flat bb
    3 sets incline db
    3 sets decline db
    3 sets crossovers or flyes
    sometimes instead of inclines i do dips.

  14. #14
    Phildude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i dont have the time now, but what i can do is custom tailor the militia program for you , we will have to make a few changes, it will still be primarily a Plifting program, but on tuesday we will start you out on flat for some reps instead of workingup to 3rep max, give me some inmput, what did you plan on doing on tuesday? write it out for me , and let me see what i am working with
    If you do make-up this plan, would you post it on the forums as a reference for guys like me?

  15. #15
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    No good for PLing. It isn't good to think of muscle groups so much when Pling. The only reason to keep body parts in mind is to avoid over training.
    Think of it like this, think about a workout as a squat, bench or Dl work out, or atleast as an assistance workout for that lift.
    So in dealing with a particular workout you should break it up into a couple components such as:
    working sets (either Max Effort or dynamic Effort)
    assistance work (or sometimes assistance muscle groups)
    other physical variables-(such as flexibility, cardio, technique, whatever to maximize prep)

    I think stablizers, assistance and the physical variables are collectively referred to as GPP (General Physical Preparedness) if I have read correctly.

    So a bench workout might look like this:
    Warmup and stretch with bands (physical variables)
    5-7 sets 3rep bench (working set)
    2-4 sets 1 rep bench (working set)
    Lat pulldowns 5 set 10 reps (assistance work)
    Hammer curl 4 set 4 reps (assistance work and for stablizer-brachii)
    cable or bd rotator cuff exercise (stablizer)
    abs 5-10 sets (assistance work, but is really a stablizer)

    With assistance work I just threw down and example of a potentially and common weak link the bench. Assistance work can include delt, lat, whatever work. Stablizer are the tendons and muscle groups that help control the weight during a lift (ABS ARE SUPER IMPORTANT!). Maintinaing GPP or odd muscles and tendons is great (such as working the tendons in the ankle, which many young lifters don't consider). I hope this cleared some things up.

    BTW you can do extra Assistance things for the chest but if you do, you'll want to keep it away from the regular bench work. So if you do the above workout in the morning, you can do pec work in the evening and then work w/ really light weight on bench technique or something like that.

  16. #16
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Phildude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velkar182
    Maintinaing GPP or odd muscles and tendons is great (such as working the tendons in the ankle, which many young lifters don't consider).
    Would anyone happen to know exercises for this off the top of your head? Only thing I can think of is using a band around your foot and sort of doing a calf raise type thing. Other thing in high school XC my coach told me to do the alphabet with my ankle, but that was when I sprained it.

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phildude
    Would anyone happen to know exercises for this off the top of your head? Only thing I can think of is using a band around your foot and sort of doing a calf raise type thing. Other thing in high school XC my coach told me to do the alphabet with my ankle, but that was when I sprained it.
    wobble board, rocker board, anything involving proprioception and balance

  19. #19
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    tiny, that program cano not be used with the militia training,it doesnt maek any sense, would you be willing to drop the flyes and dbekll work, and hit more flt presses an alternate every other wk barbell incline and decline?

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