1st and foremost, i want to thank all the people who supported me through the last few days, with kind words and familiar avatars it meant alot to me!!!
after alot of discussions behind closed doors, many things have been straightened out and resolved as far as board politics are concerned, which has made myslef and others happy.
on the flip side i remembered something else, the sole purpose i came hear for was to help others. the person who brought me here was a MOD named "mbarasso" he pointed me to the site as a tool for myself to learn from. after time with support from the other mods, helped to start the injury rehab forum, which was a place that i could help others and answer questions. at that time i didnt have any fancy title or pretty colors to my name. i did it because i liked to do it, later i was given the title as medical advisor, which had no administrative powers, than later a vet and than later a sub mod. through all of this i continued to do the same thing i always did, help others and answer questions.
in recent days, as well all know there was an occurence that happenedwhich caused alot of turmoil, which was truly the main reason i decided i couldnt be here, after time, i realized something, board politics, do NOT dictate the reason i was here and it shouldnt effect my relationship with everyone else here. i could still do what i need to do,help others. also, i realized, by walking away i was only making myself miserable because there are SO many of you i would truly miss. this place is a home to me, and the people are like family.
we also had a few losses in staff, alot of friends of mine and GREAT people who i will miss, lets please all remember the good work they did and give them some respect,weather or not you agree if there leaving was appropriate or unapropriate, it was there decission , and i respect the choice they made and so should all of you,they did what they felt was in there best intrest,and it is understandable
in closing i would like to say, i am here and glad to be here for the"people" and thats all that matters, i promise i will never again let board politics be a cause of dismay or my parting from the board. so lets all move on, and make this place better than it ever was. i wont let any of you down again.