I notic i gain strength much better when i work a muscle 3 times in 2 weeks, rather then just 2. Right now i am just looking to get some strength back (i took off for a while) before i do a serious powerlifting routine for strength. Heres what im thinking of doing
Workout A
Flat bench 5x5
Incline DB press 2x 8-10
Fly's 2 x8-10
Military 5x5
Standing DB curl 5x5
Longbar curs 2x 8-10
(this seems like alot, but monday i did this exact workout minus the military and had ful energy up untill my last set of bi'. so i think it will be ok)
Workout B
Lat pull down 5x5
Row machine 5x5
db rows 2 x 8-10
close grip bench press 5x5
tricep pushdown 2 x8-10
Squats 5x5
(will prob throw in leg extensions 2 x8-10)
MONDAY-A WED-B FRIDAY- A Monday-B Wed-A and so on and so on