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Thread: 744 deadlift

  1. #1
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    744 deadlift

    hopefully this works... my final attempt at Sr. Nationals at 744 lbs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 744 deadlift-744-deadlift-small-pic.jpg  

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    real nice lift mate.

  3. #3
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    real nice lift mate.
    thanx... that was a PR for me back on June 4 2006. Actually there is a story behind that lift (just like most lifts LOL). It was actually a misload... I asked for 733 and they misloaded the bar to 744... thank god they misloaded it evenly rather than having more weight on one side than the other. I wouldn't of thought I had it in me... just goes to show you how lifting heavy is a mental game... I'm just glad that one worked out the way it did!

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    good lifting bro! more than I can pull. raw too, even better!

  5. #5
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    Very impressive!!!

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    RJ, ever consider trying to use one of the dead suits?believeit or not, i am using an old marathon suit, not much support and i am getting an extra 30lbs or so out of it. any way, 744 is great! i hope to hit 700 this year at 198lbs. do you do alot of rack pulls?

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Rj what is your best total?

  8. #8
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    Rj what is your best total?
    best total: 2188 @ 237

    I use rack pulls 2-3 times per 12 week training cycle... so I would say I use them sparingly. Mostly I pull full range or off a box.
    Last edited by RJstrong; 09-20-2006 at 08:31 PM.

  9. #9
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    RJ, ever consider trying to use one of the dead suits?believeit or not, i am using an old marathon suit, not much support and i am getting an extra 30lbs or so out of it. any way, 744 is great! i hope to hit 700 this year at 198lbs. do you do alot of rack pulls?
    I think I'm going to try the Metal Deadlift Suit... hopefully order it in a couple of weeks.

  10. #10
    Squatman51's Avatar
    Squatman51 is offline Senior Member
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    solid lift!!!

    And about deadlift suits, i have never tried one but i want to get an inzer Fusion since all i have been hearing is good about it

  11. #11
    Squatman51's Avatar
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    ive also heard good about metal suits

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    best total: 2188 @ 237

    I use rack pulls 2-3 times per 12 week training cycle... so I would say I use them sparingly. Mostly I pull full range or off a box.
    i never was a big fan of rack pulls, but lately i have been doing them every other wk from different heights the wks ido rack pulls , i dont pull from the floor, and out of nowhere i started makeing alot of gains, i think since i never worked them well, they were a huge weakness(i primarily worked off the floor on boxes or with the jump stretch platform) and now i am pullingmore offthe floor everywk and deadlifting form the floor less than ever.

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    best total: 2188 @ 237

    I use rack pulls 2-3 times per 12 week training cycle... so I would say I use them sparingly. Mostly I pull full range or off a box.
    think of it like this, you are only about 100 pounds off of Kirks best total at 242!!thatg is inpressive!!!! great total

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    I think I'm going to try the Metal Deadlift Suit... hopefully order it in a couple of weeks.
    as usual i bet you can guess what i am going to say, i like the New titan deadlift suits, they redesigned them for either sumo or conv. much chepaer than metal and theywork about the same, both are single ply which is a good idea. to much ply in the dead fcks up your form and youdont get any more Lbs out of it

  15. #15
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    as usual i bet you can guess what i am going to say, i like the New titan deadlift suits, they redesigned them for either sumo or conv. much chepaer than metal and theywork about the same, both are single ply which is a good idea. to much ply in the dead fcks up your form and youdont get any more Lbs out of it
    I will have to look into the titan... I really have no idea what to use since I have no time in one... but thanks for the heads up!!!

  16. #16
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    think of it like this, you are only about 100 pounds off of Kirks best total at 242!!thatg is inpressive!!!! great total
    Kaptain Kirk!!!! "Gravity is just a theory".

  17. #17
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Way out there


    My best is 405 so far at 185. Great lift.

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    I will have to look into the titan... I really have no idea what to use since I have no time in one... but thanks for the heads up!!!
    alot of people have been telling that the trex squat suit is ok to pull in, but i learned you have to try it out for yourself, try to find someone who has a suit that is about your size and test it out

  19. #19
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    My best lockout is 733 w/straps in a Titan DL suit from a rack @ 291...Damn your strong. We short people are poop for DLing. Wish I could get more than low 600's off the ground.

  20. #20
    artica is offline Junior Member
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    on deadlift suits, Im a bit biased as inzer provides me with gear but I recently got a gift (metal deadlifter) and that thing rocks. It feels horrible on but it helps through out the lift, the FUSION suit gives more off the floor, it basically gets the weight up for you but at about mid shin lower knee level the suit is gone were as the Metal feels like it keeps going.

    As for the Trex, in comparison to a BOSS suit it works much better for sumo pulling. But so far for sumo pulling the best combo I have found is the inzer Fusion with predator briefs.

    I have a titan deadlift suit as well, I got a bunch of titan goodies that the distributor gave me but none of them really fit me all that good. The deadlift suit is baggy as hell, the boss fits good but I don't like it. I have like 3 centurions that are ment for little girls, two squat suits that fit me like night gowns.

    RJ, get a hold of me over at and we'll get you the titan deadlift suit to you.

  21. #21
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    RJ, is it too late for me to add: "Good lift"?

    Cus that was awesome man


  22. #22
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by artica
    on deadlift suits, Im a bit biased as inzer provides me with gear but I recently got a gift (metal deadlifter) and that thing rocks. It feels horrible on but it helps through out the lift, the FUSION suit gives more off the floor, it basically gets the weight up for you but at about mid shin lower knee level the suit is gone were as the Metal feels like it keeps going.

    As for the Trex, in comparison to a BOSS suit it works much better for sumo pulling. But so far for sumo pulling the best combo I have found is the inzer Fusion with predator briefs.

    I have a titan deadlift suit as well, I got a bunch of titan goodies that the distributor gave me but none of them really fit me all that good. The deadlift suit is baggy as hell, the boss fits good but I don't like it. I have like 3 centurions that are ment for little girls, two squat suits that fit me like night gowns.

    RJ, get a hold of me over at and we'll get you the titan deadlift suit to you.
    thanx for the info... i'll try hittin' you up!

  23. #23
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    RJ, is it too late for me to add: "Good lift"?

    Cus that was awesome man

    thanx Nark!

  24. #24
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    artica, did you use the fusion for sumo or conventional?

  25. #25
    artica is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    artica, did you use the fusion for sumo or conventional?
    doc, I use it for both.
    Here is my take on it:
    Great pull out of the bottom. Basically gets the weight off the ground for you, but it gives out about shin level/below the knee cap.

    think of it as a single ply Trex basically, but with more hip support. Easier to get to the bar but gives good pop still, i have found that with the predators you get the Trex type pop plus an extra layer on top of that, getting in position is tough if you like to sit your way to the bar.

    I like to grab the bar while having my legs stretched out then slowly pulling my ass down while taking the slack out of the deadlift bar, works awesome. I love this combination.

  26. #26
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by artica
    doc, I use it for both.
    Here is my take on it:
    Great pull out of the bottom. Basically gets the weight off the ground for you, but it gives out about shin level/below the knee cap.

    think of it as a single ply Trex basically, but with more hip support. Easier to get to the bar but gives good pop still, i have found that with the predators you get the Trex type pop plus an extra layer on top of that, getting in position is tough if you like to sit your way to the bar.

    I like to grab the bar while having my legs stretched out then slowly pulling my ass down while taking the slack out of the deadlift bar, works awesome. I love this combination.
    cool thanks for the input! i appreciate it

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