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Thread: Need help with the WBC training...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Need help with the WBC training...

    Lately I have been spending a lot of time going through articles on the Westside training methods. I have checked out a lot of sites like and elite fitness, and I just can't seem to put it all together. My main goal is to get my bench press up past 405. I have been at 405 for a one rep max before but I had to stop lifting for a while and now I am only at 315 when I just started. I also want to work on my leg explosiveness as well as my bench explosiveness because I am a shotputter and I wan't to get my shot out there farther. I have been looking at the 9 week basic training program at elite fitness and I am wondering when I should do board presses and when I am to do floor presses? I also found another article from another guy from westside and the article mainly focuses on his bench workout, it is basically working the bench one day then the next day he is working his back and lats and all that other support for the bench.

    Can anyone help me out please?

    I really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D

    Re: Need help with the WBC training...

    "I have been looking at the 9 week basic training program at elite fitness and I am wondering when I should do board presses and when I am to do floor presses?"

    When the program calls for them. They can be used as either a ME or an assistence movement. If you are using them for tri work, just keep your grip in close, and work in either the 4x3-5 or 4x8-12 rep ranges.

    "I also found another article from another guy from westside and the article mainly focuses on his bench workout, it is basically working the bench one day then the next day he is working his back and lats and all that other support for the bench."

    That is George Halbert, do not try to follow what he does, especially if you are still have to perform box squats. with this being your first go-round with WSB tactics, I would stick with the sample program from Dave's site.


  3. #3
    George Halbert or Ken Patterson? Bench specialist dudes. If you be shotputter I suggest you make your tricep work more stand up and press up, and do your tate presses on incline bench, more sports specific.

    You may want do be doing side presses (aka bent presses) which is basically a one-arm dumbell overhead press from standed position with allowing of body to bend strictly sideways at waist. I find very specific to shot. Great tricep work.

    Also, screw westside "aversion" to compound shoulder movement. Drop the plate raises and side laterals, replace with push presses, jerks.

    Just my suggest.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    The reason behind those side and rear lateral raises is the high volume of pressing movements they perform on DE and ME day, hit the front delt really hard.


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