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  1. #1
    WidowMaker's Avatar
    WidowMaker is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2005

    A New Champ On The Rise

    A good friend of mine, Julius W "The juice". came to LionKing (my training partner) and myself about six months ago and wanted some giudence on how to get stronger and and more mass. He's was then about 165lbs@5'9". We quickly took him under our wing and started coaching and advising him on what to do and what not to do. One of the first things (besides establish first-time pr's on all core lifts) we told him was NOT to consume an excessive amount of calories because all this does is literally make one fat, yes (I am a little on the heavy side myself) one will get stronger with extra calories, but too many calories is just stored and carried around.

    All of our friends came and strated helping/advising, which is good to a point.
    We had told him to end the confusing of all the advise is to try all of it on like a pair of shoes. If it fits wear it, if not, chuck it. Take the advise/stategies one at a time, not all at once to avoid confusion and fustration.

    Anyway this was a bench meet last night, done by Ironboy Powerlifting @ a local gym, but unsanchened. We told him this would be a great meet to get his feet wet in. BTY his first unoffical pr on the bench was 95 six months ago.
    First attempt: 155
    Second attempt: 185
    Third attempt: 205 miss (he moved hand position and it was 2/3 the way up)

    He took first place in his wieght class. He's nervously excited and wants to do another one. A gain of 90lbs on the bench and possibley more. We thought was outstanding for this rookie. He had also gained about 8 pound of total bodyweight in this six months period. There were no vids taken by us but I will try to get a link to IBP for the pics.

    I take no credit for this accomplishment of his. Lionking and I merely pointed him in the directional path and he walked that way. Lionking and I have advised/coached qiute a few people (both young and old) that have accomplished their own goals and then there were the few that didn't want to learn nothing. There is a lot of strong, educated folks out there in the powerlifting world and one day he will surepass our knowledge and need their giudence.

    Congrats Julius on a job well done, Brother.


  2. #2
    RJstrong's Avatar
    RJstrong is offline Senior Member
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    I would encourage everyone to take a rookie under their wings and teach them the in's and out's of the sport. To me it is the best way to give back to the sport of powerlifting... nice job!

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    i do the same, i have trained 3 rookies, my most recent one is making HUGE gains. like rj said, you have to give back to the community, if people didnt help me , i would be nowhere.

    good job widowmaker and lionking

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