Any sugestions on cycle for may bench meet? Ive done 1 cycle last year, test cyp 250mgs a week
Any sugestions on cycle for may bench meet? Ive done 1 cycle last year, test cyp 250mgs a week
12 wks cycle, test c or E fonrt load wk one at 1 gram, every wk after that 500mg. EQ 300- 400 mgs per wk, last 4- 5 wks, pick an orla,(dbol, halo, drol) and increase the dose each wk until the meet. simple and easy
This is great if you don't have to worry about making weight. I can keep my bodyweight under control on EQ + TE or TC, and halo is the lifter's second best friend (after mibolerone), but dbol and drol both add a boatload of unwanted water weight in my case, so backloading them is a bad idea. The general strategy of test + something mild and synergistic for the duration of the cycle and some powerful androgen at the end is the right move, but nothing sucks more than having to lift in a higher weight class after weakening yourself trying to cut that extra fifteen pounds and failing. Best to experiment without a must-make meet at the end, IMO. Peaking and dieting at the same time blows, adding dehydration to that blows twice.Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
making Wt isnt a problem, I compete in the SHW class
Lucky.Originally Posted by a600bnch
I still wouldn't put dbol at the end of a cycle. Testosterone of your choice + deca for the duration. Dbol or A-bombs for the first 4-6 weeks. Halo for the last 4-6 weeks, Cheque drops on meet day. The last is tricky, because it takes about half an hour to to kick in and lasts maybe an hour or two. Usually requires 3 trips to the mens immediately after each warm-up, but some guys like to take their first attempts and then do their drops.
i agree, halo is the choice if you have to"make weight"Originally Posted by OldUncle
i have never used the cheque drops, do they make you havt to "shite"?Originally Posted by OldUncle
Sometimes, depending on what you have in your belly. The unprepared non-SHW guy will have to load up on the bananas and gatorade to get some strength back after a night in the sauna and 2 weeks of sodium loading. That stuff runs right out of you after mibolerone. I try to keep within 10 pounds of my class most of the time to make comp day easier, and one reason why is so I can eat a normal breakfast and give it a few hours to settle down before the cheque drops. The feds that let you weigh in the night before are best, of course.Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
Best to try mibo in a 'gym meet' situation and see how it affects you so you don't get surprised on the platform. Watching the other guys sprint back from the men's while the clock is ticking is pretty funny, though. Anyway, once you try them, you'll never go to an imporatnt meet without them again. Worth as many pounds as your suit, shirt, and wraps.
Great posts Old![]()
thanks for the info,i plan on giving them a whirl for an upcoming meetOriginally Posted by OldUncle
If the guy has to keep his weight down and gain strength what's wrong with prop and anavar, two of the best strength builders I've ever used without the bloat.
Yeah, I like 'var, too, and prop is great if you have to beat the whiz quiz.
question for you old unlce and pwrlifter2, how would either if you run orals at the end of a cylce and for how long? i have been arguing with to guys that are pro lifters, they tell me to take orals on my heavy squat and press day and thats it, i want to run 4 to 6 wks(on top of test and eq) ED with increasing dosage as the contest comes closer. also would you keep taking the orals even when you are not lifting the wk right before the meet?
Doc, I usually rely on your posts for advice but I'll tell you what I do in this case. I have used an all oral cycle of primo at 150 mg/day and anavar at 50mg/day for 10 weeks with good results. 5lb. wt. gain but extreme strength gain. Test Prop/anavar is even better. I would never run var any way except through the entire cycle. If you've never used either then 100mg of prop EOD is good with 20mg-40mg of var ED. 8-10weeks is good. Problem with var is it really messes up cholesterol by lowering the good stuff if used at high dosage. Some guys use much higher dosages of both than this but for me this works great and I'm able to peak my strength and stay in a weight class. If I were a heavy weight I would probably just use test e or c but I would still run the anavar. I think for a strength lifter var is much more superior than dbol, tbol or halo with a lot less side effects. With that said all orals are hard on the liver and so is anavar at doses above 30 mg. which also is about the minimum effective dose for me. This is all according to my experience and other guys may be different. Var is also about 3 times as expensive as prop. I recommend the painless prop if you can get it and if you've used the other kind you know why. Hope that helps. By the way Doc I follow your posts alot and you put out some good information. I don't know about the other members but I appreciate what you have to say.
I've heard the same advice, but I don't think the heavy day only thing for orals makes any sense, at least for me. Think about it - whatever you've ever tried (except cheque drops and maybe halo) takes from 2-5 days for you to feel it kicking in, right? In my case, dbol is about 3 days, anavar about a week, etc. So how can doing them only on lifting day have any effect on that day's performance other than as a placebo?Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
I use 80mg/day of anavar when I'm on it, and switch to halo toward the end. I increase the halo dose up to the meet, unless I have any Mibo around. I'd go the same way with dbol or a-bombs or any other oral I liked - switch to the most powerful androgen I can get my hands on a month or so before the meet. You can keep taking the more anabolic oral up to the end, but I need to worry about making weight most of the time so I do a clean switch. Test + EQ + anabolic oral, switching to an androgenic oral about a month out is tried and true. I also add deca to the mix if my wieght's close, but I'm an old fart with creaky joints and need the extra help.
thanks for the posts guys, i appreciate it, i agree with you uncle, their strategy doesnt make sense
pwerlifter2, thanks for the kind word, i appreciate it!
More on the halo vs. anavar issue:
The anabolics ('var, d-bol, etc.) are to make you stronger, the androgens are to make you crazy. Halo and Mibo increase your arousal level (psyche), but don't do much for physical strength because you can't take them for long enough for their anabolic effect to add up. Some people can get jacked all the way up with a few slaps in the face or thinking about the guy who flipped 'em off in traffic last week, and these are the same hair-trigger type folks who probably shouldn't fool with potent androgens anyway. The rest of us get a serious bump in total by adding these harsh chemicals. Cheque drops are good for at least 150 pounds on my total, halo maybe 50.
The key is that it's mostly not 'real' strength with the androgens, but drug-enhanced psyche. So, a combination plan that includes both is the smart bet. If halo or mibo were safe, I'd do them all the time but I'd still cycle the T and the EQ and the Deca and the 'Var etc to induce actual physical changes.
so best be is to run the anabolics and swithc over to the androgens right before the contest.
is it worth taking the androgens thw wk before the meet or just the day before?
Depends on the potency of the androgenic component of the drug. Mibo will get you there in an hour, halo usually takes a few weeks to make you 100% nuts. I used to do mibo a few weeks before the meet when I tested in the gym to see what my openers ought to be, but nowadays I just go with my best recent double and save the mibo for the meet.
thanks old uncle, i appreciate the help.
No sweat, Doc. Let us know how it works out.
Agreed on some points.. but not on all.Originally Posted by OldUncle
I do agree mainly that it depends on the nature of the oral... but it also depends on the individual.
Some bodytypes respond faster to some ergogenics than others.
Firstly with regard to the 'type' of oral.. Halo and Mibo are high-ranking.
But doc i also noted that Oreton (methyltestosterone.. not to be confused with m-1-t) is a NASTY addition on training days.
I don't know if it's available to the USA guys... but i used to get it here.. only using it on my leg-training days, 1 hr pre-training.
Honestly it was like getting kicked by a horse in the ass.
Another compound i respond well to is Winstrol in high doses on training days. I think the applicability of this compound may depend on one's body type. Whitey and i were hypothesizing on another board that meso-endos (who have higher natural aromatase activity... and thus higher natural estrogen levels) respond especially well to this compound.. and the risk of sides (joint pain etc.) is minimal to non-existent.
I've run it up to 200 mg ED.. and honestly if i thought Oerton was sick before... winstrol truly surpassed that.
I think personally one should factor in a number of things before selecting the regime and supplementary ergogenic.
Yeah, everybody's different. I can't take Winny in any useful dose because it makes my already-abused joints howl (that's why I'm a deca man even though I need to keep my weight down). Smart and experienced users always develop their own protocols for specific situations and objectives, anything I do is based on the facts that I'm both stubborn and therefore unlilkely to try things I've never done before (masteron, fina until last year, etc.), and that I know what works for me after a good bit of time juicing, competing, and keeping detailed logs. 'Advanced' means that you know how to achieve your individual objectives in your individual situation with your individual body, not that you have all the biochem memorized or that you've tried every possible substance combination.
nrak,thanks for the exta input, i will look into this
Would you guys use Clomid and or Novla during the cycle? or wait till after??
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