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  1. #1
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Westside Powerlifting Routine............

    OK I have been researching Westside powerlifting and come up with this routine, it’s derived from their standard template. I am also thinking of adding in 3 or 4 sets of shrugs on Mon- max effort squat/DL and 3 or 4 sets of bicep curls on Wed-max effort bench day. what do you think?

    Sunday – Dynamic Effort Bench

    Dynamic Bench Press (9 sets of 3 50-60% of max)
    (board press 3 sets 3-6 reps as heavy as possible)
    (Military press 3-6 reps for 4 or 5 sets as heavy as possible)
    (a row exercise like chest supported or bent over rows 4 or 5 sets of 6-10 reps as heavy as possible)

    Monday – Max Effort Squat/DL

    Max Effort Exercise (4 sets of 5, 4 sets of 3 reps, and then 5 singles work up to 90% of max)
    (Leg curls 4 sets of 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (Leg extensions 4 sets of 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)

    Wednesday – Max Effort Bench Press

    Max Effort Exercise (4 sets of 5, 4 sets of 3 reps, and then 5 singles work up to 90%of max)
    (3 sets of extensions or cable pushdowns 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (3 sets of lateral raises 10 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (3 sets of single arm rows 10 reps not to failure low intensity)

    Friday – Dynamic Squat/DL

    Dynamic Squat (9 sets of 3 at 50-60% of max)
    (leg press 5 sets of 6-12 reps as heavy as possible)
    (calf raise 4 sets 6-12 reps as heavy as possible)

  2. #2
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    I do Westside training and personally I would add in more exercises for your triceps, such as JM presses (which is like close grip bench), weighted dips, or use bands inside a squat cage that make the lift very heavy at the top. The board presses should be done on the ME day. I don't believe in doing that many sets on ME day, I usually do 4 to 5 sets of 3 and then you are suppose to do 3 sets of 1 within your 90% max, not 3 sets working up to your 90% max. Also I would only do a little bit of rear shoulders and nothing else, doing these heavy board presses and things like that will give your shoulders a good workout. Finally on the Squat/Deadlift day you need to add way more hamstrings: Stiff leg deadlifts, rack pulls, good mornings, reverse hypers, etc... The lower back and hamstrings are key to having a big squat and deadlift. Finally when they talk about 50-60% of your max on speed day they are not reffering to the total weight just the weight on the bar. So you should be using chains or bands to make it heavier at the top of the lift, these should be done for 8 sets of 2. However, since I like to build mass I usually will not do speed bench and opt to do sets of 8 or 10 to build mass. Hope some of this helps and Lift Hard!

  3. #3
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I too want to use a Westside routine to build mass as well as strength. Could you give me an example of a more suitable Westside routine to build mass please?

  4. #4
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    My whole routine is typed out on another computer, so i'll get it emailed and post it up for u today or tomorrow. All I know is if u train hard and follow the workout u can expect good gains, I put on 25 pounds in about 3 1/2 months. And that was natural just creatine and tons of protein. Also, do u have any bands or chains that u can workout with??? These are critical for a Westside routine.

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    OK I have been researching Westside powerlifting and come up with this routine, it’s derived from their standard template. I am also thinking of adding in 3 or 4 sets of shrugs on Mon- max effort squat/DL and 3 or 4 sets of bicep curls on Wed-max effort bench day. what do you think?

    Sunday – Dynamic Effort Bench

    Dynamic Bench Press (9 sets of 3 50-60% of max)
    (board press 3 sets 3-6 reps as heavy as possible)
    (Military press 3-6 reps for 4 or 5 sets as heavy as possible)
    (a row exercise like chest supported or bent over rows 4 or 5 sets of 6-10 reps as heavy as possible)

    Monday – Max Effort Squat/DL

    Max Effort Exercise (4 sets of 5, 4 sets of 3 reps, and then 5 singles work up to 90% of max)
    (Leg curls 4 sets of 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (Leg extensions 4 sets of 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)

    Wednesday – Max Effort Bench Press

    (3 sets of extensions or cable pushdowns 8-12 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (3 sets of lateral raises 10 reps not to failure low intensity)
    (3 sets of single arm rows 10 reps not to failure low intensity)

    Friday – Dynamic Squat/DL

    Dynamic Squat (9 sets of 3 at 50-60% of max)
    (leg press 5 sets of 6-12 reps as heavy as possible)
    (calf raise 4 sets 6-12 reps as heavy as possible)
    this routine is more like a body building routine, you dont want to do leg extensions, leg curls, leg press calf raises. also if you are using westside your auxillaries should change every wk or every other wk or so, you can t combine thie routine with body building you will over train, also with you max effort work, you cant say evey wk you are going to go4 sets of 5, 4 sets of 3 reps, and then 5 singles work up to 90%of max, each wk is so different , soetime youhave moe soemtimes you have less, you have to listen to your body, you cant project doing 5 sets of singles at 90% (IMO which is way to many sets above 90% 2-3 sets at most. also westside was made for a powelifter who uses equipment(bench shirts squats suits) the west side guys train in the equipment all the time, so the percentages for you lifting raw will be lower. 90% of your max in a bench shirt is MUCH different than 90% of your raw max!!!

    checkout the training journal of these lifters who use westside and see for yourself

    look at the training logs of the lifters on the left side of the page

    if you want to continue to body build,,DO NOT use this program!!!

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    My whole routine is typed out on another computer, so i'll get it emailed and post it up for u today or tomorrow. All I know is if u train hard and follow the workout u can expect good gains, I put on 25 pounds in about 3 1/2 months. And that was natural just creatine and tons of protein. Also, do u have any bands or chains that u can workout with??? These are critical for a Westside routine.
    you dont really need the bands and chains. westside can be done without them

  7. #7
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Technically u could do Westside without the bands and chains but u will not see the same results. U really need them for speed/dynamic effort day. When I add bands and chains it does not compare to not using them; my strength goes through the roof. IMO.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    Technically u could do Westside without the bands and chains but u will not see the same results. U really need them for speed/dynamic effort day. When I add bands and chains it does not compare to not using them; my strength goes through the roof. IMO.
    i myself dont dig westside, but the bands and chains do work well for a while, after a period of time, whne you get your spped up, i feel that more spped work wont make me any faster and it is a waste. i know louie and his boys may disagree, but this is what i have found for myself

  9. #9
    RJstrong's Avatar
    RJstrong is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i myself dont dig westside, but the bands and chains do work well for a while, after a period of time, whne you get your spped up, i feel that more spped work wont make me any faster and it is a waste. i know louie and his boys may disagree, but this is what i have found for myself
    I'm with ya here... my speed has always been good so i waste little time training it. i actually see the best results, in regards to chains and bands, when using them on max effort days for heavy singles, doubles, and triples.

  10. #10
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    I'm with ya here... my speed has always been good so i waste little time training it. i actually see the best results, in regards to chains and bands, when using them on max effort days for heavy singles, doubles, and triples.
    i have found not using them at all anymore works best for me!LOLhahaha

  11. #11
    irondawg725's Avatar
    irondawg725 is offline Junior Member
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    I follow a simulated Westside routine and found that using the bands everyweek tore my shoulders up. I switched to using them every other week.

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by irondawg725
    I follow a simulated Westside routine and found that using the bands everyweek tore my shoulders up. I switched to using them every other week.
    the whole key to westside is variation. find what works for you and dont be afraid to try new ideas

  13. #13
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    I agree that the speed work does very little, that is why I do reps for mass on speed day. However, for me the bands and chains on max effort days make all the difference in my strength. And think they only work for a limited time, so I will go 3 or 4 months on a bodybuilding routine then 2 to 4 months on the Westside routine to get ready for my meet.

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    I agree that the speed work does very little, that is why I do reps for mass on speed day. However, for me the bands and chains on max effort days make all the difference in my strength. And think they only work for a limited time, so I will go 3 or 4 months on a bodybuilding routine then 2 to 4 months on the Westside routine to get ready for my meet.
    you have a good aproach,, either you do body building like routines OR you do west side, you dont combine both.

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