i know a lot of people base their lifts on percent of body weight, but i think that's wrong. i think the wilks or schwartz formula is how it should be determined, and it is. but i kind of think that those formulas benefit the bigger guys a little too much. what do you guys think? i know the person that made these formulas knew more than i do since i have never competed. i would be right in the upper middle part, (the 198lb class). go to this site http://www.usapowerlifting.com/lifte...-lbs-men.shtml and compare your bench, squat, dead or total to a guy that weighs, say 125lbs more than you, that can bench 75 more pounds than you and the bigger guy will usually win unless you're under 155lbs . for me, i bench 385, we will say at 200lbs, so multiply 385 by .6358. then multiply the 325lber bench of 441 by .5547 and we tie. see what i am trying to say, a guy who weighs 125lbs more than me only has to bench 56lbs more than me to tie me for best lifter. i just think that's weird. let me know what you guys think on this subject. peace.