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Thread: How great was Paul Anderson? best pl ever?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    How great was Paul Anderson? best pl ever?

    anyone here know much about Paul Anderson? I've read stuff about him, and it seems like he must have been one of the most genetically gifted lifters in history. seems like if he were around today, with modern training methods he would be peerless in powerlifting comp. does anyone have information about him and his lifts? just how good was this guy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Gonzales, Louisiana

    Him and doug hepburn, were both genetic freaks.

    but allot of those #'s that you read about were gym lifts and were done with his own bar and weight which consisted of a bar and some kind of industrial wheels, and were bottom up squats.

    He was born 50 years too late...I cant imagine what kind of weight he would move if he was around today

    He was a great all around lifter, he benched 625 raw, Cleaned and J in the mid 400's, Snatched in the low 300's, and squated below parellel mid 900's raw.

    I remember reading somewhere that he had kidney problems, and had to have a transplant from his sister. Doug Hepburn also had kidney problems.

    He also founded somekind of youth organization to help kids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Paul Anderson was the greatest lifter of his time. And if you ask me he was the greatest ever. No drugs. Just raw strength. His book, The Mightiest Minister, tells all about him.

    His clean and jerk was incredible if you consider that the people who watched him said he had horrible form. He was just brutally strong.

    If he would have concentrated on lifting he would be the strongest ever. But he travelled a ton doing exhibitions for his youth home to raise money.

    The Anderson Good Mornings that Westside uses are from him. He used to be able to do 1200 on them for reps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Gonzales, Louisiana

    what are Anderson Good Mornings?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    They are chain suspended good mornings. The Westside guys just named them after Paul because he was the first to make them popular.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by Jagermeister

    Him and doug hepburn, were both genetic freaks.

    but allot of those #'s that you read about were gym lifts and were done with his own bar and weight which consisted of a bar and some kind of industrial wheels, and were bottom up squats.

    He was born 50 years too late...I cant imagine what kind of weight he would move if he was around today

    He was a great all around lifter, he benched 625 raw, Cleaned and J in the mid 400's, Snatched in the low 300's, and squated below parellel mid 900's raw.

    I remember reading somewhere that he had kidney problems, and had to have a transplant from his sister. Doug Hepburn also had kidney problems.

    He also founded somekind of youth organization to help kids.
    thanks for the info jagermeister. your right; if he was around today he would be untouchable. i can just imagine peoples faces at a meet if someone walked in and hit a 900+squat and 600+bench all raw.

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