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Thread: Everyone NEW Read Here! Some New Faces Are Coming And....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Everyone NEW Read Here! Some New Faces Are Coming And....

    this board is gonna get busy with lifters! I have decide to recruet some very knowledgable bros here. Most with Competiton back grounds and some very nice numbers. Lets just just see what this place is gonna be like a little bit in the future?

    I am wanting to assemble a board with a group that can answer questions and give out advice from their experinces. There a lot of people who stop by here who dont powerlift but wanna up the bench, squat, or deadlift. Well then you have come to the right place. Besides Big Arnie who has inrduced himself and Solid J who has posted a couple lets intro here on this thread.

    Later guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sorry i forgot about RCK aka The Mann!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well I have already posted but I will tell everyone about myself.
    I am 22years old, have been lifting for about 8 years. Lifted mostly for football for about 5 years, then bodybuilding for a few years, and powerlifting for about the past year and a half. Due to a back injury I had back in April my numbers are down from what they were, I was approaching a 500+ squat, 400 bench, and a 430+ Deadlift. I have decided to specialize in bench only now. I am currently training Westside Barbell style but that may change in future depending on my results with it. I have taken first place in a bench press only meet in the 165lb class with a 350 bench. I am currently weighing 181 and holding, not sure if I will compete in the 181's or the 165's. Thats about all the info on myself that I know to share. I like the looks of the board.

    Powerlifterjay-thanks for the invite to the board bro!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I forgot to add that I am a regular at Elite Fitness and that I am 5'5" tall and that I am drug free(for now at least)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Gonzales, Louisiana

    are you inviting all the peaple from Elitefitness to come over here?
    this board could use some more peaple

    Jager from elitefitness, and anabolex and AR

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well I'm new here too. Pljay told me about this forum.

    My stats are 6'5" and 280 and growing. Haven't really maxed out lately, but my first meet is in Dec. It's a bench and dead meet, probably only do bench for now.

    My lifts are: sus gm 675, barely missed 765
    Deadlift with feet elevated 5": 455, had more but had elbow problems, again
    I'm pretty sure that I could get 635 on the squat
    Deadlift hopefully around 500
    My bench sucks it's around 350, maybe a little more or less.
    Haven't been able to max out since my elbow started killing me a week or so ago.

    For the next six months or so I am gonna focus on bench. I'll train it using Westside. I'm still going to do Dyn squats on Friday. The only difference is that on Monday I'm gonna add in a day of nothing but lat work to try and get a lot thicker over the next few months.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Guys i have seen your numbers jump nicely. Another year or so you wont believe were your at!

    Jager i have asked my favorites to come here. People who have experince and alot to contribute. We need a board that is foucused on strenght and how to gain it. I hope i didnt foget someone and make em mad! I just went on short term momory! I know musclehed275 is here already, freak is , anabolism, Ironmaiden181, Jimmie dean, quit a few but posting was slow so thought we would spice it up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i agree wiht you pljay. we need a board that focuses on strength. we don't really need alot of bullshit stuff and politics and flaming. although we are all at totally different levels, we're here to pretty much do the same thing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yo yo!!!

    It's IRBD from the other PLing forum. My name was too long so I changed it slightly.

    I am 22, been lifting since my senior year of High School, but started to actually learn stuff and powerlift about a year ago. I have competed in 3 meets so far in the 148 lb class. My next meet is the USAPL Deadlift Nationals in Colorado near Denver. After that I will compete in the a push/pull NY state Champs in December. Those will be my last 2 meets inthe 148's. After that am on my way up o the 165's. Hyuuge!!

    My best lifts are:


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Welcome you little deadlifting freak! Excellent new handle by the way. Thanks for coming over and checkin it out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks PLJay for getting some additional PL's on the board. I am 36 and have lifted off and on for 18yrs, seriously the last 2, and straight up power lifting the last 12mths. There are already a lot of knowledgeable bros on this board but I myself am looking forward to some straight advise to improve speed and power. Welcome aboard.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hello everyone. Im deciever, i frequent Elite, PLJay recruited me over here.

    Now about myself

    I recently just turned 15 last week
    bodyweigh- hovering between 135-140

    and now my lifts
    Squat- 300
    bench- 195(touch n go , just did this a few days ago)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    It's already starting to feel like home here...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    hell yea,everyone is coming................

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hi all!
    k1401 here now as well, PLJay recruited me form Elite also.
    36 years young 200/205 at 6'2"
    been powerlifting for about 10 months now Westside for about 8 of those.
    Numbers aren't worth mentioning yet, but they're coming up!
    Glad to be aboard!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    what up brother..............

  17. #17
    Hey guys, most of you probably already know me, but for those who don't I am a 220 lifter, thus far just bench only in meet, tho I train the other lifts, and may enter a full meet in the future.

    I am a terrible deadlifter as many of you know, but a decent squatter and bencher. My claim to fame is not my current numbers but rather the fact that I put 170 lbs on my bench in my first year as a powerlifter.

    I have hit a 525 which bigokie spotted me on in the gym. The last meet I went to did not go well as I was planning on a 480, 505, 530 day, but it was not meant to be. Very tough conditions, lifting last flight in an outdoor meet well over 100 degrees, brand new shirt, wah, wah, wah.

    So best lift in a meet has been 480 at that meet, but I hit 495 and then 525 in the gym about 5 or 6 weeks ago, both on the same day. I taped them, and they are good lifts.

    Squat is probably low 600's and deadlift is mid 400's.

    I don't know as much as some, but have made pretty good progress since taking up powerlifting 13 months ago. My first meet was July 7, 2001 and I benched 355 weighing 215 with no powerlifting training. Just showed up and did the meet.

    And for people shouting juice, I will say that my chemical condition was no different in July 2001 than it was a year later.

    Great to be here, hope I learn a lot, and I will contribute in any way I can.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks for the welcome JJ and Ocnorb36. You wanna improve your strength and speed we have some guys here now that can really help you up yoru total. I have seen some of these guys grow beofre my very eyes. We share knowledge and nothing is held back. No secrets! For you vets here who dont know me my stats are:

    5'9 245lbs
    Squat 805 gym 705 meet (opener) 737 2nd called high.
    Bench 635 gym 600 meet
    deadlift high 500's !! Thats all i gotta say about that!!

    But i have been powerlifting for 3 years and currently hold a potential 2000lb total. But were i need help my self is more full power meets. I instead focus on my bench press. I love to squat and squat alot and well, but only recently have put in any effort into deadlifting. So i am looking for any thing that works fo ryou guys.

    I curently have 8 Fl State bench press titles
    i am curently APA National Bench press champion and ranked #1 by APA
    I curently hold the Florida State bench press records in the Open 242 division in the APA,and also in the APF.
    I have also finished 4th in the middle weight division in my first pro bench meet in the WPO with my opener of 562 at 220lbs. And am qualified for this years event as well. Hope to bench 650 @ 220lbs

    I Have 28 bench meets under my belt and only 3 full power meets. So i hope i can help as much as the rest of my bros here can add as well. The guys i brought here have helped me with my lifting and have helped me stay hungry for more. I surround myself with positive people and thats what me and my guys here ARE gonna add to this board. Thanks for the welcomes and look forward to hearing from some new faces that may brouse through here. You dont have to powerlift to wanna be stronger!! Right?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Glad you could make it benchmonster. No PL board would be complete with out you.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hate to bring this up Jay........but are you REALLY 5'9"????

  21. #21
    Thank you Jay, both for the invite and the compliment. And thank you very much for what you said in the E-mail. Those things mean something coming from anyone, but coming from you, they made my day.

    Hopefully we can make it down to the big easy this fall, but my trial schedule is not looking good at this point. Hopefully we can get there. Put up a thread with the where and when for sure when you get a chance.


  22. #22
    Hey all you strong bastards from elite!!!!! good too see you fellas here!!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Holy shit! How many of you guys are there?

    I'm really happy to see so many of you guys come over to AR and share all your knowledge with those of us that are lacking.

    The PL forum just started a few months ago and it has already grown in strength and numbers.

    I had no clue as to what powerlifting was but since reading I had decided to start a WSB for 9 weeks and now I'm finished with that. I'll be posting my before/after stats next week. I'm looking forward to incoorporate more pl'ing in my workouts so it's really good to have so many people to ask.

    Welcome again and see you around.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    vegas kid- how'd the WSB work out for ya?

  25. #25
    Musclehead, I don't know about the strong bastards you refer to, but hello back from this wannabe.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    man this is great to see.

    PLJay, it is great to have you and your friends over here. It took some time for the members to even convince me to put up a powerlifting forum at first, but I am very glad I did now. If there is anything you guys need to make the a better place for you, let me know. It is great to see so many serious discussions going on in this forum. You shouldn't have any trouble with flaming or anything else on here. If there are troublemakers, they won't last long. It is a pleasure to see everyone here. I hope this becomes your new home.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Fantastic this board is only getting better and better

    have been here for a while but havent made a intro.

    Im 17, 5"10 and right now weight 210

    I bench 242(touch and go gym lift)
    Squat 341
    deadlift 374

    Have never competed, dont plan to compete either in the near future because Im more into bodybuilding competitions. I am a powerbuilder I guess. But more fouces on pl then bb. Will experiment alot by combining WSB and bb routines in the future and se how it works.

    As you can se my lifts are phatetic but just recently started to focus on strenght and powerlifting. I started thinking pl would be cool then i bumped into ermantroudt and he learned me everything I needed to know to get started
    I can say one thing. WSB rox, its so much more fun and so much more intense then bodybuilding. Even when i swich around and do bodybuilding for some weeks i for sure will use some of the things from WSB in it.

    A little warning to newbies to powerlifting and wsb. If you try the 9 week sample program by dave tate. Be careful not to burn out the chest until you have gotten used to it. I was folish and did some extra 1rms after speed work a week here and there and because of that my chest burnt out badly and it took me 5 weeks to get back the strenght i had.
    I was on a keto diet at the time so it might have been because I didnt eat so much that I burnt out.

    And form is everything. Fucked upp my lower back a bit by screwing form in pin pulls and partial deadlifts.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'm new here to..
    I am 27 years old, weigh 198 pounds(154 lbs when I started) ..
    This board appears neat and clean, I think I like it!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    welcome stomper

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Good job it's nice to see this forum grow with knowledgable members willing to help out.

    To all you new to AR glad to have you aboard.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2002
    K1401 iam a 5'9 and change! But it seems to upset people to think i am 5'10!!

    JJ and PTby jason thanks for letting us hang here.

    Welocme to all you Ar vets new to the Powerlfting board. I seen you guys posting here before we did so gotta give respect were its due.

    xxx183 thanks for the welcome and i have sen you postign as well and you seem to carry a bit of your own knowledge. Lets spread it around!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl
    Whats up fellow elite members and to the AR members. just got back from vaca and now have a new place to learn and help others learn. Coming to a new forum should ad an even bigger flame to my already enormous desire to hit new PR's now that i can lift again. Thanks Pljay.

    I'm 24 compete inthe 220's and maybe the 242's this year. Have been competing for a year now and love it . I train Westside and have been for 2 years or more.
    Squat 501
    Bench 358
    dead 540
    But all those old Prs are gonna be destroyed in Dec.

    Nice format on the forum.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    hey GRIMMER

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    PLJay.........I was just bustin your ass!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2002
    K1401 i knwo bro!! Tell you the truth i really have no clue were i am at. I am well over 5'9 but a tad under 5'10. When i wanna sound smaller i say 5'10, at 5'9 i sound bigger!!

    Grimmer welcome here. Your a wealth a knowledge. If it wasnt for you i woul dhave my current favorite exercise. Suspended chain good AM's!! When we gonna see you in the gym?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl
    Jay i think that i am gonna try to make it with you guys on Mon. and Tues or just Tues. at 5 right. The only Problem is i am having trouble getting under the bar since i hurt my shoulder/rotator in this last comp. Hopefully it has healed over this last monthor so. we'll see. I can't wait to do Sus Gms.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2002
    5 o clock come both days. We'll hit speed bench mon, and tris and tues ME back.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl
    I'll Be there

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I just came over from Elite also . Jay's email was kinda convenient as I had looking for another board. I guess that I should tell you about my pitiful stats and numbers (which are improving!!)

    6'1" and currently 214lb (always had a problem gaining weight). I am long and skinny......long legs, longish arms......just think of somebody who isn't built to lift big and that is me lol. Ok so I'm making excuses

    Squat 450
    Bench 385
    Deadlift 550ish

    All those numbers are raw......not because I object to using equipment.....but because all of the gyms around here object to me using it, and there isn't anybody to help me put it on properly anyway.
    Last edited by Imnotdutch; 08-03-2002 at 12:39 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey bro thanks for coming.

    While your here check some of their other boards, there are really some experinced bro's here. I am very glad to have found this place. Actually Juice JUnkie turned me on to it here. Any questions you got about supplements i knwo alot of guys on the boards can answer but i knwo for a fact from knowing him personally that Juice Junkie is smart as hell with Bodybuilding things. Just thought i would throw that out there for everyone new here.

    Immnotdutch those are good numbers man. I didnt realize you were doing that good. Training must be good!

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