my chest has been sore. In a good way. But i almost feel liek my pecs are getting a better workout then when i was heavy flat benching. My ME day is the same , and i dont seem to be so beat up on that day as well. So i am feeling a little better off the boards as well. This is 4 weeks of doing westside 100% and so far i feel good with it. I am sure my raw bench is down, maybe more on the reps then weight but if your not hittin higher reps regularly your endurance tends to drop a bit. Of course it does that when i am doing triples in under for a few weeks.
My first week on speed day i worked with
225 with green bands choked down for
225 x 3 with greens
275 x 3 with greens
315 x 3 with greens
noticed i could be faster i stayed with 225 and greens on all sets 2nd week
3rd week 225 no bands
4th week
185 with green bands double looped. Then hit a 405 single to see if my pec has healed, then hit 315 x 10
I know its supposed to be 50% of a max. But consdieringf i am new to speed work and my comp max is 600, 300 was to slow in my opinion. I will work up to it. So i just do what Halbert does and use light weight at the bottom and have over 300 at lockout. I figure with 225 and green bands i should have 245 on chest and 300 plus at lockout. I seen he uses less weight and more bands. When i get faster i will up the bands first then the weight. And these are fast, for me. Any ideas for speed work. I need them??