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Thread: I posted this at Elite but I will post here too, My training journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    I posted this at Elite but I will post here too, My training journal

    Ok I am trying something different with Westside that most people told me not to do. I just want to see how it works. I am doing a full range movement every week for my ME exercise and then I am hitting some heavy single off of a different board every two weeks. The guys from Elite know what it looks like but I thought I would post my workout and progress each week over here too. Ok as for the total routine this is what my ME days will look like with the full range movement as well as the board work so you can get the general idea.

    Weeks 1 and 2- Closegrip Bench Press and 1 Board Press
    Weeks 3 and 4- Closegrip Incline Press and 2 Board Press
    Week 5- Ultra Wides and 3 Board Press
    Week 6- Dumbell Press and 3 Board Press

    It looks kinda weird but I wanted to try it so there it is. I will be maxing out on the Closegrip Benches for a SINGLE, I will be getting a max TRIPLE
    on the Closegrip Inclines, I will be getting a max set of FIVE on the Ultra Wides, and on the Dumbells I'll hit 3 sets of 20. As for the boards, Im only hitting singles, some weeks may be true maxes and some weeks I may stop short of finding a max, I will be more or less listening to my body on that note.

    This is how week 1 went.

    My DE day for just about every week:

    Bench Press-8x3x150-160
    Chest Supported Row alternating with Seated Cable Row
    Tricep Pushdowns or Elbows out extensions
    Rear Delt Fly

    ME day week 1 went like this:

    Closegrip bench press(index finger on the smooth)

    1board press(palms just inside the power rings)

    Closegrip Pulldowns-3x8

    Front Delt Raises-3x8

    __________________________________________________ ______

    Monday DE day for week 2

    Bench Press(8x3x150)
    Chest supported rows(3x5)
    Tricep Pushdowns(2x8)
    Rear Delt Fly(2x8)

    Thursday ME day Week 2

    Closegrip Bench press(1 finger on the smooth)
    1x1x300***This was good for two reasons, 1-I beat last weeks max of 290 and 2 this was what I maxed raw with my regular grip two weeks ago.
    1 Board Press(palms just inside power ring)
    310x1(felt fairly easy, beat last weeks max of 305)
    Closegrip Pulldowns(3x6)
    Front Delt Raise(2x8)

    __________________________________________________ _______

    Monday-DE day for Week 3

    Bench press-4x3x150, was light and really fast so went up to 155 for 4x3
    Seated Row(3x8)
    Tricep Extensions(2x6)
    Rear Delt fly(2x8)

    Thursday ME day for Week 3

    Closegrip Incline Press
    1x3x250 This was my last set because I dont think I could have gone up even five pounds and gotten another triple.

    2 Board Press
    320x1-Called it day after this one because it was a good struggle at the end to lock out.

    Front Delt Raise(2x8)

    ***Ok so thats what it looks like so far for those that may want to see.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Really what your doing is using your board press as your supplemental exercise. Where normally you would do a tricep movement you doing a board press.
    You might be better off switching the board presses with the close grips so you do your board presses first.
    The other thing is your working up to 90%+ on both movements and according to Prillepins chart you may be doing too many reps in the 90% range and also risking overtraining. It will be interesting to see how this works out for you maybe we'll all be able to learn something from it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think as long as you make your last sets the ones that count and make decent jumps you can avoid overtraining. JMO but in week 2 you went on close grips from 250, 275,295,300 . I would have went from 225 to 275 then 300. Compared to larger numbers those jumps are small. If you were using 500 plus you would have to learn to make bigger jumps or you would be too tired. We had a guy that used to trainwith us and onbench day he would go 135 , 185, 205,225,275,295,315. Too much stuff! See what i mean? Its ok now i was just thinking you would have a little more in the tank if you cut out a couple. And if its workin keep at it. But to up you rcomp bench i would put more emphasis on the boards like xxx183 said. To me boards are th emost important. No matter how you do them. But finish you rroutine then test then alternate them next time and see how it works for ya then too.

    Good job Solid. You really give your workout thought and thats what this is all about. Trial and error. No matter what you will gain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good stuff. I started my journal of my lower body work here to get ready for the Deadlift Nationals. Good luck with it bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for the replies everyone, Ill keep everything you guys said in mind. I am actually considering cutting the last two weeks off of the schedule. I am thinking of doing this weeks schedule then taking a week off to let things rest and heal. Im not feeling over trained but I think a lot of this heavy stuff is wearing on my joints some. The elbows and shoulders are pretty hot to the touch and a little sensitive and there is a little swelling to them. This is only the second time Ive done a Westside routine so Im still unsure of how well it works for me and all.
    My first cycle was exactly like Westside is meant to be, I used floor presses, 2 board presses, Closegrip Inclines, 4 Board Presses, Ultra Wides, and Pin Presses during my cycle. It worked decent but I seem to respond really well to plain old fashioned raw benching and hitting some heavy boards later on in the week. Thats the main reason I designed this cycle with a lot of full range movements. Oh well, trial and error is the only way to go. We shall see how it goes. Im thinking of trying a combination of Freak's Benching Routine with Metal Militia's Training Style for a while after this to see how it goes. We shall see.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    You seem to be mainly worried about you ME days how are your Dynamic workouts going?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    My dynamic days are going well. I have actually noticed a pretty big carry over on my ME exercises as far as speed is concerned. Last time I tried Westside I didnt seem to get much from the speed day but this time I can see why its important. I am just not convinced that Westside is best for me yet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Well at least your giving it a whole hearted try that's the only way to see if something really works, besides if it turns out you don't fully agree with all of the training I'm sure you will have learned something from the experience.

    Stay strong,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    hey solidj55,bro i had that problem on speed day too.i was going to heavy and my shoulders were tore up and my speed sucked.i have lowerd it alot and i noticed a difference on ME day also,good job dude

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for all the posts fellows, I am sure I will find what works best for me, actually I already know what I need to do but Im trying to explore some new things to see if they will help make things even better.

    RCK-AKA The Mann(lol) same probelm you talked about with speed is exactly what I had, oh and also what you said over at Elite about lowering speed weight below 50% sometimes is true, I agree bro.

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