I figured I'd start a thread, sort of like what Freak is doing, to let you guys know what I am doing to prepare myself to pull big at the Deadlift Nationals on September 28th in Denver, Colorado. I will post all of my deadlift days and squat days. First, the split:
Tue- Deadlift day
Thu- DE bench
Sat- Squat day
Sun- ME bench
My best pulls to date are 460 conventional(meet) and 455 sumo(gym).
Today was my first of 10 deadlift sessions. It went quite well. Here it is:
Deadlift day
1.Sumo deads- 275 lbs 10x1
2.SLDL- 275x5, 295x5, 315x5
3.DB rows- 100 lbs 2x5
4.Shrugs(farmers)- 127.5's 2x15
5.Pull thrus- 3x15
6.Reverse hypers- 3 sets
7.Weighted situps- 3 sets