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Thread: band tension help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    band tension help

    I just purchased some green bands with 75lbs of resistance. I workout in my garage with basic equipment. For bench, I will wrap the bands around a weighted dumbbell but I am not sure on the tension. Can someone give me some direction on how to figure that out. In addition, I would like to use it on squats as well. How would I calculate tension there?? I am 6' about 252lbs. Thanks for any help you can give me.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    thanks to Deciever's search

    the famous Deciever found and posted this on Elite so give him the credit for the search

    Found this article on i figured it might help w/ some band tension questions.....


    Anyhow here's my band tension findings . . .

    Tension Values of Jump-Stretch bands with different cinching and
    anchoring systems.

    I spent the better part of a Winter day doing this - so I hope ya'all
    appreciate it!

    "Slack" measures distance from nearest part of anchor to end of band
    held to furthest length.

    "Single-cinch" means one end or loop fed through another loop around
    an anchor,

    "Double-cinched" means one loop feed through other loop twice around
    anchor. Third option is self-explanatory.

    "Double-looped" refers to draping band over bar so that the two loops
    of each band are used as a single suspension point.

    The meaurees after the slack tell you how much extra stretch from the
    slack point (=0) the poundage gives you . . . i.e. if 45 lbs stretchs
    a band 4" then 45 lbs of pressure will stretch it 4". In the case of
    the double-looped anchorings the use of four loops to hold the barbell
    took up enough band so that the bottom of the barbell was actually one
    inch higher than the bands hanging slack - hence the "-1.0" for the 45
    lb measure.

    The bands were looped around the outside of the barbell collar in
    every case. I assume that you would place weights on the outside of
    the band as you add them.

    Blue Bands - (single-cinched)
    Slack = 33.0"
    w/ 45 bb = 1.5"
    w/ 135 = 15.25"
    185 = 27.5"

    Blue Bands - (double cinched)
    Slack = 27"
    w/ 45 bb = 1.5"
    w/ 135 = 12.5"
    185 = 22.5"
    205 = 28"

    Blue Bands - (single-cinched around two dumbells)
    Slack = 19"
    w/ 45 bb =2.75"
    w/ 135 = 12.75"
    185 = 21.0"
    205 = 24.0"
    235 = 30.0"

    Blue Bands - (double looped)
    Slack = 18"
    w/ 45 bb = -1" (less than slack)
    w/ 135 = 2"
    185 = 4"
    205 = 5.25"
    235 = 6.5"

    Green Bands - (single-cinched)
    Slack = 32.5"
    w/ 45 bb = 3.0"
    95 = 15.0"
    115 = 21.5"
    125 = 25.0"
    w/ 135 = 28.5"

    Green Bands - (double cinched)
    Slack = 25.0"
    w/ 45 bb = 2.75"
    95 = 11.5"
    115 = 17.75"
    125 = 22.5"
    w/ 135 = 23.5"

    Green Bands - (single-cinched around two dumbells)
    Slack = 18.5"
    w/ 45 bb = 2.25"
    w/ 135 = 16.5"
    185 = 28.5"
    205 = 34.5"
    235 = 41.5"

    Green Bands - (double looped)
    Slack = 18"
    w/ 45 bb = -1.0 (less than slack)
    w/ 135 =2"
    185 = 5.5"
    205 = 7.25"
    235 = 10"

    Pink Bands - (single-cinched)
    Slack = 35"
    w/ 45 bb = 7.0"
    65 = 13.75"
    85 = 22.5"
    95 = 28.25"

    Pink Bands - (double cinched)
    Slack = 29.5"
    w/ 45 bb = 5"
    65 = 10.5"
    85 = 17.5"
    95 = 22.5"
    105 = 26.75"

    Pink Bands - (single-cinched around two dumbells)
    Slack = 20.5"
    w/ 45 bb = 6.0"
    95 = 20"
    w/ 135 = 32.5"

    Pink Bands - (double looped)
    Slack = 18"
    w/ 45 bb = -0.5 (less than slack value)
    w/ 135 = 5.0"
    185 = 11.5"
    235 = 19.5"

    I also measured the minis -

    New Greens or New Blues should be equal and should be measured

    Slack = 18.5"
    45 = 3.75"
    65 = 8.25"
    85 = 14.0"
    95 = 18.5"

    I have learned that a heavily-used (for over a year) miniband will
    stretch 50% more than its new counterpart. i.e. 95 pounds will
    stretch 27" instead of 18.5"


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I think that people get way too caught up in the tension thing. Yes I know bands are great and that people that don't use them are not helping themselves as much as they could be.

    Having said that for squats or board presses or whatever, just make sure you have the bands tight in the bottom of the movement. If they are not tight enough add another dumbbell to the anchor or double loop them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks K1401 and Deceiver for the info!!! Great data.

    Bigokie or any other knowledgeable bro: what about squats coming off the rack. I have a basic set up so I don't have a cage frame yet (I have one on order should arrive late this month) therefore I have to step out and away from the rack to squat. It seems if I set up the dumbbell support system behind the rack I will lose the tension when I step back. If I went the reverse way I would be pulled forward (might be a good GM exercise).

    Any advice on squat//band set up with basic rack would be appreciated.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    If I understand what you are saying your asking how to set up the dumbbells so you can do them out of a normal squat rack. Well I have a little squat cage that is a little too narrow and short for my big ass but the thing this is what works for me: Set up the dumbbells even to where your feet will be when you set up on the box. Then when you get ready try to just arch and gm it out of the rack. Then let the tension pull you back to upright. Now your ready to rock!!

    Also, if you just train with normal squat racks you will at one point need to dump it. Don't be afraid, if you don't dump it it will pin you down like a staple!! So what I'm saying is don't be afraid to make noise and dump it.

    If you can get good at this you will be almost as good as having a monolift, not quite though. This saves you from having to walk out with bands on, which is in no way, shape or form, fun.

    Also, it takes about 100's to anchor purples and 130's to anchor blues.
    Don't set the bands in front of your feet, this will make you go forward and in you loose your balance......SPLAT!!! Face first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    thanks bigokie----makes sense------I will give it a try.


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