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Thread: first timer looking to learn

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    first timer looking to learn

    i read a thread in the workout question forum telling me to check out the powerlifting forum. This is my first visit and I just want to learn. I'm not going to be a powerlifter bc I play baseball, but I would like to be one of the strongest guys on my team and want to get as much help from you guys on reaching that goal. How do I increase my bench/squat/powerclean dramatically? Do you have any tips about form, rest periods, other exercises that benefit, grips? I know I should probably do a search for some of this stuff but I'm on the go right now and wanted to get this out there so maybe when I came back I could see some helpful hints or tips. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    you can read up on some threads here, but if you want more info, go to and read up on West Side Barbell routines. That will give you plenty of ideas and then go ahead and ask us some q's if you still have em.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Get faster....That's the best way to get better at any lifts. Check out the basic Westside routine on the site. Try that out. Don't worry about powercleans, a lot of times when you don't work something like that it will get better on it's own. Don't know why but it has happened to me a couple times.

    As for grip, farmers walks cannot be beat. Period. End of statement.
    If you want more variety get the book Dinosaur Training. It covers every aspect of grip strength and also has good beginner routines to start out on to build up your core strength. Get your core strong and then switch over to Westside.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The Westside routine, as the others mentioned, will definitely make you more explosive and powerful. As a baseball player, you also want to focus on increasing your external rotator strength. The external rotators get neglected in sports like baseball, because the internal rotators become overdeveloped from movements like throwing the baseball. You can find info on external rotator exercises at Hope this helps.

    Chad T.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey musc2002 good tip on the rotator work. When someone wants to train for strength and their in sports, you can neglect muscles and over develop others. Keep that in mind ballplayer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D

    Re: first timer looking to learn

    "This is my first visit and I just want to learn."

    You have the right attitude already. Just do not be afraid of trying new things.

    "I'm not going to be a powerlifter bc I play baseball, but I would like to be one of the strongest guys on my team and want to get as much help from you guys on reaching that goal."

    Well, you have come to the right place to get bigger and stronger.

    "How do I increase my bench/squat/powerclean dramatically?"

    Dynamic Box Squats and Dynamic BP! Like the others have mentioned, check out Then ask the questions you have, and you will have many of them, here.


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