Ive decided that I am going to convert back to my traditional style of routine rather than sticking with Westside. There are a lot of things about Westside that I like but there are also a lot of things that I like about a traditional old school workout. So now that I have tried bodybuilding routines, Westside Barbell, and old school powerlifting routines I am combining everything that "I know works for me" along with some ideas and help from a few other people. I am using some ideas that Powerlifterjay used to use in his workout along with, Freaks Routine of periodization, along with some of Vincent Dizenso's ideas. Anyway this is what it will look like.
BENCH PRESS-(Using the "Freak System")5-6 sets going up in weight each set using a form of periodization
CLOSEGRIP INCLINE PRESS-(something that worked wonders for my triceps)1set using HIT style method, starting at 12 reps first week and adding weight and dropping reps each week.
TRICEP PUSHDOWNS-3x8 with moderate weight
Row(different row every two weeks) or Face Pulls-3x5-7 using heavy weight
FRONT DELT RAISES-2x8 with moderate weight
BOARD PRESSES-(Ill alternate between 1,2,3 Boards)-Work up to a heavy triple or single
BENCH PRESS w/shirt-(Metal Militia Idea)- just one set of 1-5 reps(Ill only be using this about 6 weeks out before a meet)
PULLDOWNS-(alternate each week between close and wide grip)-3x10-12 moderate to light weight
REAR DELT FLY-2x8 Moderate weight
TRICEP EXTENSIONS-2x5-7 moderate to heavy weight
SO thats basically what its going to look like for anyone that may be interested. Like I said before I picked a combination of things that I knew worked well for me out of all the workouts that Ive done as well as
incorporating some ideas from those mentioned and wah lah there it is.