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Thread: Gaining or maintaining strength while training for 1.5mile run? Ideas from everyone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Gaining or maintaining strength while training for 1.5mile run? Ideas from everyone

    Just wondering if this is POSSIBLE, I know its not a good idea but its something I must do. I am going to most likely be taking a physical endurance test for a job, Im hopefully going to be getting a job as a police officer. The test will include a 1.5 mile run that has to be done in 15min or less. I went out and ran today since Im not lifting this week to see if I could do that and I got it but it wasnt pretty. So needless to say I am going to have to at least half ass train for it. So what do you think I could do to gain or at least preserve my strength? The thing is I dont know when Ill have to take the physical test so Im not sure how long I have to train for it, most likely it will be a while, I will probably find out a week or two before hand, if I have 10 days to prepare Ill be ok but I need to get started here pretty soon just in case. What does everyone think? Eating a shit load is not a good idea either because I have to watch my height/weight/bodyfat ratio as well.
    Any ideas are appreciated.

    Oh yea I wont even ask about the police academy lol, that will be 16 weeks of running and maybe only one day per week to lift.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    I run 2 miles each day after lifting weights.

    mind you its a slow jog, only 4.6-4.9 mph but i have seen nothing but positive effects so far.

    Try just fitting in 25 mins of a slow jog or a fast walk. do that every day and you will get used to it quickly. I started with a fast walk with a random incline on the treadmill.

    my stats are

    240 lbs
    not sure bf these days

    weights x 5 (1 group a day)
    jogging x 5 (4.7-4.9 mph)
    Last edited by Buddha_Red; 08-08-2002 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Any more ideas?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Your first run at 1.5 sounds like mine. Couple of ideas that helped me. First lets agree on one thing......cardio sucks. Ok, now that we have that out of the way............I always ran first thing in the morning before breakfast. It sped up my metab. and I could still eat a solid 1st meal. I wore a watch and tried to run 3min walk 30 sec so on and so on until my endurance built up......only took about 6 sessions 3x/week. I honestly lose out on my workout running before and I have nothing left after........JMO. Running after heavy squats(usually the day after, never run on workout days,JMO) was tough on the old knees so I usually jumped on the bike and rode in the lowest gear possible for 30-45 min.........just to mix it up. Worked for me........may not for you. Just my .02.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks Ocnorb, I dont squat anymore, I am bench press only now when it comes to powerlifting(at least for now) so thats not too big of a deal about running afterwards. Ill probably be running 3x per week and lifting 2 times per week, mainly bench press/upper body work.

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