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Thread: Which board is the closest.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Which board is the closest.....

    I know that everyone has different strengths/weaknesses and different ROM on their bench, but I am curious for you which board press is closest to your shirted/paused bench? Also, about how much difference is there between boards for you with the same grip? Like how many pounds more than your 3-board is your 4-board and whatnot. I just want to get an idea for what everyone's difference is

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Good question. I would say i bench what i can do off a 4 brd. Actually i bench more then a 4 brd and less then a 5 brd. I really dont know maxes. I always use bands it seems , and when i dont i seem to be doing reps. But i have done low mid 600's on 4 and 5's. I usually hit mid 500's on 3 but not to failure. But reason i get more form my shirt is simple. My shirt is tight so with speed and tightness i am popping up high 4 brd range. But the difference for me is momentum wiht a shir and dead stop with a brd. I would say i can bench 25 lbs more then i can 4 brd. Just a guess though.

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