This was my second week on my new routine and it went like this.
Bench Press
Closegrip Incline Press
Front Delt Raises
Tricep Pushdowns
All in all I felt pretty good. The weights didnt seem to feel to heavy and the reps didnt wear me out too bad. The last set is always seems to tire me out a little because of all the reps done up to that point, even though they are light weights. So far I seem to like it and all the running I have been forced to do, lol, hasnt seem to hurt me yet. One thing that I have come to relize through raw benching is that its very hard to keep your speed up after three reps, just like Westside said, but I swear I feel just as fast on the first three reps of every set as I did when I was doing speed work. Anyway just wanted to update what I was doing. Last weeks routine is below for comparison.
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Today was my first day of this routine. Here is how it went.
Bench Press(Using the "Freak System")
Closegrip Incline
Front Delt Dumbell Raises
2x8x20lbs dumbells
Tricep Pushdowns
Thats pretty much it for today. It doesnt seem like much but I think it is idea for me. I have had to start running a little bit to get into shape for a physical fitness test I may have to take for a job as a police officer or correctional officer in my county. I am hoping that this will not mess up my whole routine over the next seven weeks but if so it will be worth it if I get that phone call telling me to come and take the test. So I am keeping the volume low and intensity high, oh yea and eating like a stoned Ethiopian. We shall see.