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Thread: ME Bench Night Set a New PR on 5 board..455

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL

    ME Bench Night Set a New PR on 5 board..455

    Well actually this was my irst time ever maxing on the 5-board so I had no PR to shoot for.

    The 5-board worked very well for m I hink long armed benchers out there like me
    6-ft-6 reach from fingertip to fingertip it really worked well.

    I got 455 up with a good pause on the 5 board actually I had a little left. I used a competition grip-middle finger on the rings, I am trying to get used to the wider grips with the heavier weights.

    Anyone else like the 5-baord? I am thinking that its great for lockout power.
    Last edited by Superman75; 08-12-2002 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i like the 5board press but not really as a max effort exercise. most i ever with on the max effort is the 4 board press. i use 2,3, and 4. i save the 5 which i use with bands on DE day as a supplemental to swap around with JM presses. at the 5 board range is not where i really fail in the bench so i stick with the smaller board to try to move my sticking point around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I love any kind of board work, 2-5 or 6 if I go narrow. I use them all for max effort and I've switched to doing them like Jay and using say 2 or 3 during a workout. I know Jay likes to use 2 but I'm weird!

    Shirted board work is also something I like. Even though up to now I've been using other peoples shirts. Now that I have my own I think I'll really like it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Great job on that PR.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Thaks RCK

    Yeah Bigokie I bet the 5 board works well for you too because you have long arms as well. I know some people with short arms the 5board really wouldnt be effective because the bar wouldnt need to travel much if all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I love the 5 brd. The 4 and 5 are the best. Like Okie said i use 2 and 3 brds in one workout.

    Congrats on the PR Superman. Your name fits you well you strong basterd!! Keep it up, thats an excelent lift.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i have done 4 board on down...5 and 6 are no range of motion for me.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey Superman, gotta add one thing. If you have that long of arms you are gonna have to go with first finger on the lines, and actually just slightly outside. It's just something you gotta do when your that tall. I'm every bit of 6'5" and my arms are too. I go as wide as is legal. And everybody is telling me when you use a bench shirt you gotta use a wide grip too. Just giving you my .02

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Wow thats wide you mean index on the rings or slightly outside them for the 5-board? I used to do all the ME stuff a thumbs away from the smooth but then when I would go wide it threw me off.

    With the index on the rings it seems really wide but the middle finger on the rings works well for me now.

    The bottoms of my biceps are less than an inch away from the top of the 5-board so I get a long range of motion on the 5-board too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yeah, put your index on or slightly outside the rings. This is the grip I have switched to on all ME exercises. I used to do everything half a thumb away from the smooth. Then when I went to max out and switched to a wide grip I would do less than I did with a narrow grip. So I knew something was wrong. I also tuck my shoulders together and that helps a ton. I would say I have about a 5" range off a 5 board with comp grip. As tall as we are we have to take advantage of the better leverage afforded by moving out or grip to max. I have no idea what my wingspan is but I'm guessing it is the same as yours or slightly longer. I have really long arms.

    You should definately tuck down on the 5 board. This allows you to work your lockout. If you tuck and realize your still moving the bar more than 6", add another board to it. WHen I go with a narrower grip I use a 6 board. It keeps the range short and allow me to really pound my lockout. Hope this helps

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Originally posted by powerlifterjay
    I love the 5 brd. The 4 and 5 are the best. Like Okie said i use 2 and 3 brds in one workout.

    Congrats on the PR Superman. Your name fits you well you strong basterd!! Keep it up, thats an excelent lift.
    Yeah thanks PLJay! I like the 5board too!

    bigokie-That sounds like a good idea. I will try that grip next time around on the 5-board

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    damn man,. 455 nice work

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