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Thread: bodybuilding style

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Frederick, MD

    bodybuilding style

    Hey I've lifted like a powerlifter for years now. I have knee problems that keep my lifting like a bench specialist for upper and more like a bodybuilder (or even a fitness geek) for lower.

    I've done a few meets and benched 500 at 200 (in the 220's, couldnt loose that last two) as my best. My physique has followed suit to cater to my constant benching. My shoulders are sloping off more and more and my chest is pulling in. It has become more prevelant as I have cleaned up my diet and introduced cardio, along with laying off the brews.

    I want to reconstruct my build before I get back into meets. I remember hearing one guy from Metal Melitia who lifts year round as a bodybuilder and is quite succesfull.

    I'm 28 yrs, runnin 350 mg/wk test, clean and heavy diet. my question is this. should I completely abandon my powerlifting style benching and overall heavy lifting, and expect to be able to regain that strength when I return, or do I need to find a mix of the two that works for me.

    I have considered a full body four day split routine that would be a drastic change from my current setup, and would have me using all those machines that kill strength and build size. I would expect quick results which never seem to be favorable in the long run.

    Obviously theres no perfect answer but I'd like to hear opinions of anyone who has tried something like this or simply has knowledge in this area. Is this a bad idea if I plan to do meets in the future?


  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    what is the exact question you want answered? is it a good idea? change is good, it cant hurt, it hink it would help

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