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Thread: What's the carryover from a floorpress to your regular bench?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    What's the carryover from a floorpress to your regular bench?

    Hey guys I did ME bench yesterday and I did floor presses and got 275 now this was done close grip and with a pause so I was wondering what's the carryover I believe last time i did floor presses 4 months ago or 3 not sure I got 225 and my best pause was around 270. So does that mean that there is a 45lb carryover??? I was curious b/c I'm not really sure how much i'm max pausing right now and I stil bench RAW I know i'm over 300 since I did 315 off 1 board so I'm guessing if there is a 45lb or so carryover that does put me right around a 320 bench or so now, is this assumption right??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i dunno.. one time i gotl ucky and muscled up a 185 floor press w/ a 1 count pause.. dunno how that happened.. i was only benching like 185 at the time or something

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Almost everyone is weaker on the floor press than raw bench. I've only heard from one guy that says his floor is more than raw. If your floor press is less than raw, that's good. That just means it's something to work on.

    As for me, well I'm in the same boat. I haven't maxed out in probably 4-5 months. But I can tell you now that on Wednesday I will be maxing out and testing my new Fury so hopefully I'll be able to be more specific then. I can tell you my floor press is less than my 3 board, by about 40-50 pounds. It's definately something I will continue to work on.

    Hope all this might help somehow. Later

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I can raw bench prolly 60 plus more then i can floor press. But i am not raw pressing now or havent hit a big one in a couple months. So who knows at this point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Up in the D
    The floor press removes the lats and the leg drive from the pressing movement, and is usually done with a narrow grip. Unless you are very thick or have long forearms, I think most folks use less in the floor press than they do benching without GEAR.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey guys thanks for the responses I figured it'd be less from your regular bench but i wasn't sure by how much but I guess once again it's different for everyone. We have deciever does the same as raw and jay does 60lbs more so THATS A BIG DIFF.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I haven't attempted a raw max in a while, but my best to date is exactly equal to my best floor press.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    my floor press is over 20 pounds bigger then my raw bench.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I can raw bench about 40# more than my floor press. You have to consider how much leg drive you use and how much lats come into play on your max. For me, I get a lot out of leg drive and using my lats. For benchers whos legs dont even move, and those who tend to use more pecs when they bench, you wont see much of a carryover.

    Chad T.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks for the responses I know I have to work my lats harder I think thats stil my main flaw and I know i've been slackin on them.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    long island new york
    Your floor press should be roughly about 90% of your bench.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey thanks for the % I guess roughly would be the right word since for everyone it seems to be different

  13. #13
    I can raw bench more than I can floor press. For me tho, floor press does not give me any ROM advantage over a regular bench. If I grip pinky on the rings (medium grimp) the bar touches my chest at the same time my elbows hit the floor, If I use a close grip, the bar is maybe an inch above my chest, and if I use a wide grip, my chest stops the bar rather than my arms hitting the floor.

    So I have never really liked them much till recently, and have never been able to use very much weight on this movement. But I would guess my floor press is 60 or so lbs less than my raw bench. Rough estimate, of course, cause raw maxing is a much better way for me to wind up in the hospital than on the winners platform.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Gonzales, Louisiana
    have you guys tried dynamic floor presses, inplace of dynamic regular bench?

    Somebody mentioned it in the ask dave section, he said it worked

  15. #15
    I have considered it, but have never tried it. Scares me to think of my elbows hitting the floor at high velocity. It sounds like one of those things that might be a great idea, but I would want to see someone else try it first, if it did not kill them then I might go for it.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks guys. Also one thing I forgot to add do you guys actually put something under you or just lay on the floor and your elbows touch?? I think i'm the only one that has a problem with elbows touching the floor see I have to put something under me like matts or somethin in order for my elbows to touch.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Bench- damn you and your T-Rex arms!!! I can't believe the bar touches your chest. If I use a wide-grip I can still slip a 2-board in there.

  18. #18
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    Jul 2002
    dedlift- its okay that your knuckles almost drag on the ground when you walk. its good for deadlift.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I KNOW that's my prob deadfreak i have long arms I mean i like em for deadlifting. I never thought about putting two boards I think i'ma seriously need 3 if I want my elbows to touch the ground

  20. #20
    Cubanito, what the hell are you talking about?

    You are laying on your back and you cannot touch your elbows to the ground? That makes no sense at all little bro. With your build, your elbows/triceps should be hitting the ground when that bar is 4 or 5 inches off your chest, maybe more.

    Please explain what you mean by that, cause I am getting a headache trying to figure out what you mean.

    And Deadlift, It is a combination of a 50 inch chest on a five foot seven frame, and normal to slightly short arms. I thought I was just very short armed, but Screwball swears I am not, just pretty big around.

    However, when I nearly have to get on my knees to grab the bar for deadlifting, I assure you my build is not conducive to powerlifting. Benching more than you deadlift (by almost 100 lbs now) is not going to get you much of a total, and puts Elite status about as out of reach as dunking a basketball.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BENCH LOL about the you deadliftin remark.

    What I mean is that I can lay on my back and elbows/tris will touch the ground I mean they will for anyone but then I have about 6-7 inches where the bar is at above my chest so it leads me to put like those stepper matts that the women use in aerobic class(since I lift at a wellness center) under me so I can have the weight come down to my chest. NOWW here's the question then if I'm doing the floor press should I have the weight touch my chest or not???? if it's suppose to then I need those matts under me if not, then I dunno what the fuck i've been doing by putting stuff under me to elevate my body in order for my arms to touch the floor and the weight pauses on my chest.

    That's why I was sayin bout tryin a 3 board or 2 board and see which one helps me for my tri's to touch the floor and stil be able to pause it off something, Instead of mid air

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Cubanito17 sounds to me as if you been doin them wrong.
    you lay on your back, and at the bottom your elbows/tris should
    be hitting the ground, then you press back up. I'll look for some pics for ya.


    the mats are just so the ground isn't so hard, as you can see they are under his elbows/tris as well
    I as well as other here (RCK) do them straight legged instead of bent.
    Last edited by k1401; 08-22-2002 at 12:40 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks k1401 I've been doing them WRONG all along. SEE I thought that the weight had to touch your chest that was the reason for me elevating myself. SOOOOO your telling me the right way to do them is as long as my elbows touch the ground I can leave my arms half ass in the air, LOL

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i officially bench 5 lbs more than i floor press now

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    way to go on the PR maybe instead of benching on a bench at the meet you can ask them if you can do it on the floor . J/M bro.

  26. #26
    Cubanito, I think I understand now. Just lay on the floor. The most I ever put down is a towel if I happen to be wearing a white shirt that I don't want to get dirty. Lay down, and bring the bar down till your triceps/elbows stop you. For most normal humans this means the bar will be 3 to 6 inches off your chest with a close grip.

    If your bar stops 6 inches off your chest, I would guess you can probably floor press as much or more than you bench, and the closer the bar is to your chest at the bottom of the movement, then the lower your floor press will be in comparison to your raw bench.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    ok well then that means I floor press more than 275 b/c I was bringin the 275 all the way down to my chest by elevating myself from under with matts and aerobic steppers(anything i could find) BUT instead i should just be leavin the bar in off my best as long as my tris hit the floor.

    I get it now, sorry bout the headache.

  28. #28


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