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Thread: 8/18 Dynamic BP (Would have made Dick Hartzel Proud)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D

    8/18 Dynamic BP (Would have made Dick Hartzel Proud)

    1. Dynamic BP: 85lbs+Doubled Mini's+70lbs of chainx8x3 with three grips (Pointer on smooth, thumb from smooth, and comp grip), Pause all first reps.

    2. 2 Board Press: 135+Doubled Mini'sx4x5
    3. BB Extensions Bar+Doubled Mini'sx4x10
    4. Bob Y Row's: 145x4x10
    5. Snatch Grip High Pulls: 145x4x5

    50 Minutes


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    very nice... what are Bob Y Rows? never heard of them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    A buddy of mine, Crash; got to train with Bob while on vacation, and showed me their varation of the bent-over-row. It is a row done with the abs resting on the upper legs, pulling the bar to the same spot you touch while benching. Least that is the way Crash showed me how to do them.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Thats alot of band work I think your right Dick Hartzel would be proud.

    How has your speed been? I see you're still using a pause on your first rep even with the bands. Has the pause made any noticable difference?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    wow that sounds like a good back workout the BOB Y rows i'ma have to try those tomm. GOOD workout and the best thing under 1 hour. For some reason although I'll do 4 or 5 excercises then abs(mine are weak) I'll stil keep most of my workouts round 35-40 min, should i be doing more? or is that good i just take TOO short breaks b/c i'm pumped??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    "How has your speed been? I see you're still using a pause on your first rep even with the bands. Has the pause made any noticable difference?"

    I have noticed a huge difference in my ability to have better form and much better speed. It is not a 5 second pause, but rather a slower descent, short pause, and then as rapid as possible explosion. For those of you who are newer lifters or new the WSB, I would strongly suggest you give it a try. When I made the switch to rotating chains and bands, and using a pause, I hit a 50lb pr on my next test day.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    "For some reason although I'll do 4 or 5 excercises then abs(mine are weak) I'll stil keep most of my workouts round 35-40 min, should i be doing more? or is that good i just take TOO short breaks b/c i'm pumped??"

    I should be striving to be more like you! That is awsome! For the last 5 months I have been on the JM diet, and cut way back on the GPP work, so I could get some more size. It has had an impact on my ability to train with speed. Sled work got added back in this past week.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey thanks man that's a good thing to hear although my numbers aren't all that great. EITHER WAY I know now my workouts are gonna take a lil longer. See when I was performing cleans a good clean coach told me to quit doing any type of curls and my cleans would go up, this was true they did go up but I never noticed anything when I quit doing curls my arms started growing and now my arms are MAINLY tris WHICH IS AWESOME TO ME. So I know some PL's don't count bis when they say their workout and that could be why ur's takes a lil longer i'm not sayin you are but i'm just making an assumption.

    Also my workouts are gonna be taking I think 5 minutes longer now since I have to start working on GRIP and forearms.

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