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Thread: NEW ABOARD (cycle help on westside)

  1. #1

    NEW ABOARD (cycle help on westside)

    Hey guys i just wanted to make my introduction. I have been powerlifting for 5 years and recently took up westside. As of today i am drug free, but that will change tommorow. I will be starting a FINA cycle for 10 weeks 75mg/day.

    For those of you who have trained westside on a cycle have you found your gains to be the same as any other training program???

    I was thinking of changing up my bench routine a little bit while on my cycle. extra workouts will be change every week

    Ex. MON Bench 5X3-5 Go for best triple
    Tate press,JM press, etc 3X8
    Side raises, rear raises, lateral raises 3X12
    DB press, timed DB press, flys 3X8( I use a double poly but I stil like to keep a HIGH RAW max)
    Bent over rows, DB rows,etc 4X6(heavy)

    THUR 2 tri ex HEAVY 3X6
    a chest excercise
    back/lats 3X10(light)

    Please tell me in all honesty if i should stick with a routine like this, OR just WESTSIDE.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Why change it up? The Westside routine works. I am drug free and have made plenty of gains. If you are concerned about keeping your raw bench up, cycle in more full range Max Effort movements like bench w/chains or bands, reverse band presss, Incline, Decline, 1-board press and so on.

    Chad T.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl
    JUST WESTSIDE! I don'tr know if you have had the privilage of usig the westside routinr or not but it is a VERY effective routine and if you have th4 chance i would stick with it. Give ita achance and it will prevail.

  4. #4
    thanks for the responses, well I was kinda hoping those who have used a drugs on westside then have had another workout would let me know which one they made better gains. SEE this being my first cycle I wanted to get the most out of it as I could. I have trained westside for over a year now GRIMMER. I wouldn't want to go with this cycle as a trial and error if someone knows that a strict westside routine will give me better gains than a modified one. I forgot to mention for legs westside will stay the same.

    Do any of you know how KENNELLY or HALBERT train on a cycle?? Is it strict westside??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    There is no 'Strict Westside'...the key with Westside is finding where you are weak, and doing the assistance work to bring up your weakness. If you have trained Westside for a year, then you should know what are you weak areas by now. Just go for it, I am sure you will do just fine.

    Chad T.

  6. #6
    OH I know of the NO strict westside. I've revolved my westside training to be tris delts lats then pec b/c that's how in order I need to work my weaknesses. I've started doing lats 5 times a week now 3 light days and 2 heavy days.

    Well if you guys think just regular westside will work then i'll go with that.

    I wish I could get some more responses from people who have trained on westside with gear though

  7. #7

    First of all. Don't use fina for 10 weeks straight. Your joints and your kidneys will thank you. 6 weeks is the max IMHO.

    Test is OK to run for a long time, Hell, forever, and deca is OK too. But short acting stuff should be run for a short amount of time. Like the last 3 or 4 weeks before a meet being optimal.

    That being said. Westside works regardless of whether you are clean or juicing. I have made gains both ways. Like any other program, throwing juice in the mix will make the gains come quicker, but there is no need to alter it based on the sauce.

    Be careful when on cycle not to overdo it and get hurt. If you hit a PR, and it seemed easy, go for one more. If you still feel like there was some left, don't be greedy. 2 pr's is enough. Don't want an injury.

    I hope you have done a lot of hard thinking and studying before diving into the juice world. Based on that 10 week plan, I have my doubts about that. I hope for your sake I am wrong. Be safe, and get strong. I wish you well.


  8. #8
    hey benchmonster thank you for the reply. About the fina being ran for 10 weeks the reason I was doing it this way was b/c I had a friend that ran it for 6 MONTHS and he said that his joints or anything never hurt. he only trained 3 times a week though I train 4 times a week Sat Sun Tue Thur he was doing Mon Wed Fri. he didn't make much strength gains after the first 3 months after that he just CUT UP ALOT. I think that was his whole reason of using fina. He was the one that told me to run it for 10 weeks if I was looking for strength only.

    Well glad to know that a 100% westside routine will work on cycle as well as off. Thanks alot guys for the responses.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If he ran it for 6 months with no joint pain, he either got way underdosed shit or he doesnt rain really hard. He may just be lucky though. BUt like Benchmonster said 3 to 5 weeks out from a meet is norm.

  10. #10
    Well he converted his own stuff as he converted mine. So i'm hoping that i'm getting a full 75mg/dose/daily. I dunno about lucky I really never read that much about fina and joint pains or anything. the ones that I did read were fina/winny and the joint pain and other pains came from the winny.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    winny is a no no in powerlifting. Wanna ache? Use winny!

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