Well as some of you know (most do not) i will may, or may not attentd the WPO BB for cash this Nov. My wife is actually pissed about it. Imagine that! Anyway i have battled a couple injuries that i feel have kept me from about 50plus pounds on my bench that i should have had by now. Well i want them!
I am qualified at 220lbs. I KNOW i will win some money. I do. BUt last year I dropping 20lbs to make weight was no biggie , it was tough but i gotter done. BUt i decided to bulk up and increase my bench to see where i coudl get it. Mass moves mass! That is a fact. Well in June i dropped about 12 lbs to do the full power meet and actaully came in at 235. From 250. The rest of the month i stayed at 240lbs. Well 3 weeks ago i started my bulking phase and am 260lbs as of now. Wheni wake up i am 255. I am gonna go up to 265ish. I feel i could really pack some strength on and with my new westside routine working like it is i think big numbers are coming.
Heres is my question that i would like to here opinions on. If say in Oct (early) i am really making ground breaking PR's , should I stop what i am doing and drop to 220lbs for Nov? Or should i stay on my quest for 700lbs. Believe me i will drop back down to 242. If i dont do the WPO i will still do the bench Nationals in Oct and will come in at a slim 242lbs. But 220 is just a long way away. And seems like it would be really tough to get too with out altering my life style to become that size. I will use water tricks to make 242 so i will compete heavy. In fact my Sept meet where i am gonna test my new strength i will be in the 275's.
I just think going up and coming down to 220 would really cost my some progress i made. Thats alot of weight to lose on me and my bench. I can always do the WPO next year and go for 700 at 242. Or more!!
I am just not a 220lber. I would have to not squat (Kenny Patterson told me he did that) to make weight. I am building a squat as well. So Jimmie dean nor myself would not allow that. Now before you answer keep in mind i CAN drop to 220lbs. I will go 600's at that weight. So since both options are do able give me what YOU would do?