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Thread: Do-able? or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Do-able? or not?

    Would you guys consider this do-able...

    Right now my lifts are a 325 squat, 195 bench, and 360 deadlift...

    the 148 state records for my age and weight are

    347, 215, 408.....

    im positive i can get my bench and squat up to or surpassing the records, but im eery about my deadlift. i need a 50 lb increase in 11 weeks.

    do you think thats possible?

    if i dont get the records this time around, i have to wait until june i think (or next meet, maybe april) to try for them again... so i dont wanna wait that long.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Anything is possible, you just have to train hard and believe in yourself.
    Plus you don't need to hold the state record, it's a nice goal to reach for but if you can put 20 or 30lbs on the lift and go set a PR thats still great accomplishment.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    THAT is definately doable I got 7 weeks to put 50lbs on my bench, ALTHOUGH I have found a weakness which i'm gonna be working on ALOT.

    I'ma give you the same advice I gave benchmonster a lil while back. Do your boards make sure you do them and anything you can do off a 3 board in a good shirt you can do it.

    I'm not sure how your training program goes but from talkin to some guys make sure you train your lats i'ma start doing them every workout day 2 days light 2 days heavy my heavy days will be on leg days. ALSO bro you just HAVE to want it bad enough and say to yourself " I CAN FUCKIN DO THIS, THAT RECORD IS MINE" and you'll get it if you REALLY want it. HELL I know it's pushing it and all with my 335 bench as of now BUT BY the end of this YEAR i'ma have my 400lb bench. that's 65lbs I need in 13 weeks. AND SINCE I was checking out my goals over at elite for 2002 I saw what my goals were and I think i'm gonna reach them by the end of this year.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    my DL will be the real challange.. and as will my bench. I think now that im started w/ pull throughs, reverse hyper w/ mini bands (i dont have a real reverse hyper, its ghetto), and glute ham raises done on a leg curl machine... hopefully they will help my DL(my squat too)... and plus i've wanted 200+ on bench for as long as i can remember, and 400+ on deadlift for a few months as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You will come dam close. And who knows what you will pull out in a meet. Adrenaline is worth 20lbs to many!

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