Hey guys this FRIDAY and SATURDAY the toughman competition will be in my town and anyone 18 or older can compete.
For those who don't know what it is it's on TV the FX channel it's where just regular people go and box in a competition to see whose the toughest pretty much.
I've been thinking about entering it, I KNOW it's been 5 months since i've boxed but I WANNA SEE if I stil got it. If I go and I see competition that's not outta my range or any competition at all I get in it. I don't know if this one will be televised but I believe the toughman competition comes on at 9 or 10 on the FX CHANNEL I only know the channel for direct tv and that's 248 sorry about all others with cable I have NO IDEA.
I know for sure though if I win the match if I do it then i'll qualify and FOR SURE i'll be on TV. NOt sure about friday though.
Time to hit the weight room.
If I get on TV i'll give a shotout to all my boyz (and girlz) on the boards. People are probably gonna wonder WHAT THE FUCK is he talkin bout boards. OH WELL....