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Thread: Hey guys some questions before I write out my mini cycle??HELP!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Hey guys some questions before I write out my mini cycle??HELP!!!

    OK guys I need to really put ALOT of thought into this one b/c I'm gonna REALLY work my weakness which are lats and like everyone tris, for the bench. And for legs I think it's hammies and hip flexors. I need to put a good 40lbs+ on my bench in 7 weeks for my meet. I NEED To bench that 375(or alot of people will be kicking my ass )

    here are some questions for bench; 1.ON DE days I should be doing mostly bar movements for my supp work and then on ME days do DB work for supp right???
    2.Since I'll be doing a SAT MON WED FRI split now should I train lats heavy on bench days or leg days???
    3.Is switching up supp work every week good like example week 1 DE day barbell skullcrusher week 2 DE day JM press then week3 go back to skullcrusher???? Like that and of course on ME days switch them too.

    4. On leg days should I be doing hip flexors on DE sq or ME sq/dl???
    5. for ME days should I do one week a ME for SQ and next for Dead and switch back and forth or just whatever lift I choose for that week or whichever ones I like doing more???
    6. What are some ME lifts for SQ I know plenty for DL but not SQ?
    7. If I'm doin hip flexor the a machine for hip flexors is it the same thing if I do them on a low pulley the next day?? b/c there aren't many excercises for hip flexors, that I KNOW of. I know of plate slides but theres no where to do those in my gym.

    I know I HAD more questions but I can't think right now.... Thanks for any help from anyone. This is for a westside routine. AND I after I get the results or even just to add I will be posting my workout at IRISH's training journals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well it's really up to you, but here are my suggestions according to your questions

    1. Bar movement on DE day, because on ME day alot of the time your gonna be too tired after the Max exercise
    2. I don't really believe you should train lats heavy ever, if by heavy you mean to failure. Just do 3-4 sets for 1-2 exercises per day and do them to 1-2 reps short of failure
    3. Don't set a time line to change stuff. Just do an exercise until you aren't making progress, then switch.
    4. Well about all the hip flexors I do is leg raises and spread eagle situps
    5. Do the ones that are hardest for you to do. These will be the ones that you can do the least amount of weight on. Remember to train your weaknesses to get stronger! Do the hard ones. Also, you had better throw some good mornings in there. Especially the chain suspended ones.
    6. Low box, High box, use other bars if you have them.
    Also, kneeling squats, great for hip weaknesses. Reverse band full or box squats. Zercher squats. I like to do quarter squats too, but not many people do them. They allow you to use a ton more weight and get your body used to supporting HEAVY weights.
    7. Hip Flexor machine? Surely you are kidding right? Box squatting hits your hip flexors as hard as anything. Also, throw in Spread eagle situps and leg raises with weight added.

    Good luck. You shouldn't have any trouble adding 40# to your bench if you work hard and don't lose sight of your goals!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Gonzales, Louisiana
    I think bigokie covered everything,

    Good luck,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Concerning lats Cubanito,

    You may consider doing seperate lat workouts. I had lagging lats and I started training them in their own workout for 15-20 sets a week and they increased my bench FAST.

    Remember when a trainee is always doing lats at the end of the workout that is when he is tired and pre-fatigued.

    Almost all the time the muscle trained first in the workout gets the best growth and vise versa.

    If lats are a top priority I recommend doing them when you are fresh. Always doing them after everything else might not do them justice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BIGOKIE thanks ALOT BRO well about the hip flexor machine I was kinda serious b/c i felt it's been helping me a lil I mean after i'm done squatting my hips REALLY HURT BAD and sometime I feel like I coulda used more weight if they wouldn't hurt soo bad while squatting either and tha machine has helped me. when i said heavy lat days I meant like on heavy days do 3 sets of like 6 and then on light days do like 4 sets of 10 with lower weight. NOT GO TO FAILURE we're not BB's here.

    Superman(r u aka cytomel?) When you say seperate lat workouts and u did them 15-20 sets a week do you mean like you did lats 5 times a week but like a certain amount of hours apart from your other workouts?? If so then I think I can get lats in M-F at night I lift MON WED FRI from 4-close to 5 pm then when I get home after eating I'll get back in my garage and i have some weight so I can do them in there around 6 is about an hour good enough or should i just do them right after my workouts???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    check out

    Thats where I got the lat training idea from and it really helped.

    My lats improed a lot when I stopped training them only after everything else.

    I think taking an hour break is a good idea. The idea is to train lats when you are fresh and energy levels are highest.

    20 sets of lats a week really worked well for me.

    I think a lot of people ( I used to be one of them) have lagging lats because they train them at the end of the workout and are almost spent by the time when they get to lats.

    If lats are first on your priority list It makes sense to train them first in a seperate lat workout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey thanks man I'll be doing that then taking an hour break to eat relax, catch my breath i'm kinda outta shape when it comes to endurance and then get back to 5 sets of lats.

    I'll throw this into the mini cycle and see how I progress.

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