OK guys I need to really put ALOT of thought into this one b/c I'm gonna REALLY work my weakness which are lats and like everyone tris, for the bench. And for legs I think it's hammies and hip flexors. I need to put a good 40lbs+ on my bench in 7 weeks for my meet. I NEED To bench that 375(or alot of people will be kicking my ass)
here are some questions for bench; 1.ON DE days I should be doing mostly bar movements for my supp work and then on ME days do DB work for supp right???
2.Since I'll be doing a SAT MON WED FRI split now should I train lats heavy on bench days or leg days???
3.Is switching up supp work every week good like example week 1 DE day barbell skullcrusher week 2 DE day JM press then week3 go back to skullcrusher???? Like that and of course on ME days switch them too.
4. On leg days should I be doing hip flexors on DE sq or ME sq/dl???
5. for ME days should I do one week a ME for SQ and next for Dead and switch back and forth or just whatever lift I choose for that week or whichever ones I like doing more???
6. What are some ME lifts for SQ I know plenty for DL but not SQ?
7. If I'm doin hip flexor the a machine for hip flexors is it the same thing if I do them on a low pulley the next day?? b/c there aren't many excercises for hip flexors, that I KNOW of. I know of plate slides but theres no where to do those in my gym.
I know I HAD more questions but I can't think right now.... Thanks for any help from anyone. This is for a westside routine. AND I after I get the results or even just to add I will be posting my workout at IRISH's training journals.