8/21 ME BP
Drove an hour and a half to get to a gym while on vacation.
1. Clean and Press: 135x3x3, 155x1, 175x1, 185x3xMiss Could not turn it over to rack it, high pulled it with ease. This was all I could think of to do, as there was not a rack, nor a dependable looking spotter. I should have done DB Floor Press!
2. Dips: 25x4x5 Might as well go ahead and finish destroying my shoulders while I was at it.
3. Tate Press: 40'sx4x10
4. T-Bar Rows: 100x2x10, 125x2x10
5. Shrugs: 225x10, 275x4x5 Could not hang onto the bar, even with staps, as the knurling was almost gone from the bar! NO CHALK, then how about a decent bar?
6. Roman Chair Russian Twist's: 25x4x10
50 Minutes
8/24 DE SQ
Skipped a return to the same gym, as it was too far to drive, so I waited an extra day and did my training when I arrived home. So...
1. Box Squats with a Average Band: 185x4x2, 235x4x2 Great Speed! I need to figure out a way to drive 3.5 hours to my regular DE SQ training session!
2. Wide Lo Box Squats (12.5 inch box, feet about 4" past the plates); 135x4x5 Never felt heavy, but it hammered the hell out of my hips! That is about 2" below my dynamic depth, which is about 0.5" below paralell.
3. Glute Hams: 4x12 With bench raise 4"
4. Pull-Thru's: 140x4x12 with straight legs
45 Minutes