Wanted to put this post here too!
Wanted to put this post here too!
great job man. that sucks about the bench shirt. from the vids it is clear you had 600 in you. congrats on the PRs and the 2000+ total.
No doubt you will go 2100 plus next time. You are one powerful Irish man! Whens your meet? Got a question for ya. With westside when do you think is the best time to shirt up? I have heard that either day is fine. When did you?
pl... i owe you a phone call. how about tonight? what time eastern is good? i still have your number.
Well since its 11 pm here now tomorrwo after 8 pm my time. If the answering machin picks up first ring i am online email me an di wll get off. Got some questions for ya too!
What a total! Man to go over 2000 is a special day for any PL. I hope to join you soon.
i am sooooo glad to be training under you guys. you have helped me to an extent that you will never know. irish and pljay both. i will eventually make it up to you guys somehow (prolly on the platform). thanks for you help and may we all continue to whip the weights.
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