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Thread: A brief hello ....

  1. #1

    A brief hello ....

    Hey all, just wanted to make a brief introduction. I'm obviously new to this site ... had been trying to post at elite, but was unable to because of the platinum BS. Anyway, I've been doing tons of reading up on PL and Westside and will be starting WS soon. I look forward to reading all the posts on here and providing any help I can (although considering I'm new to powerlifting, that may not be much at all right now). But I'll do my best.

    I feel like I've wasted years trying to get stronger using basic lifting techniques. I WON'T call them bodybuilding techniques ... I'm NOT a bodybuilder. Too much time wasted and I feel like I can really improve my lifts given the right knowledge and drive ... I have the drive, I look to the vets for the knowledge.

    My lifts are crap. All 3 of them. I get more and more pissed each day thinking about what a lightweight I am. I want to transfer that anger into my lifting.

    For the time being, I'm going at this raw ... no equipment, no gear. I want to see what kind of limits I can push my body to. These lifts MUST improve.


    Like I said, crap. I'm 6'2 and weigh 210. Stop laughing, they'll improve in time.

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to "know" some guys and look forward to getting stronger. Happy lifting!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: A brief hello ....

    Welcome aboard Otter.....and nobody is laughing. You'll get nothing but good help from these people.

    Originally posted by otter
    Hey all, just wanted to make a brief introduction. I'm obviously new to this site ... had been trying to post at elite, but was unable to because of the platinum BS. Anyway, I've been doing tons of reading up on PL and Westside and will be starting WS soon. I look forward to reading all the posts on here and providing any help I can (although considering I'm new to powerlifting, that may not be much at all right now). But I'll do my best.

    I feel like I've wasted years trying to get stronger using basic lifting techniques. I WON'T call them bodybuilding techniques ... I'm NOT a bodybuilder. Too much time wasted and I feel like I can really improve my lifts given the right knowledge and drive ... I have the drive, I look to the vets for the knowledge.

    My lifts are crap. All 3 of them. I get more and more pissed each day thinking about what a lightweight I am. I want to transfer that anger into my lifting.

    For the time being, I'm going at this raw ... no equipment, no gear. I want to see what kind of limits I can push my body to. These lifts MUST improve.


    Like I said, crap. I'm 6'2 and weigh 210. Stop laughing, they'll improve in time.

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to "know" some guys and look forward to getting stronger. Happy lifting!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good luck! There are lots of people here that can help you out.

    Chad T.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    welcome aboard

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    welcome man EVERYONE started somewhere I started WAY lower than those lifts. And i've improved QUITE a bit with WS

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    YOu got good lifts bro dont compare them to Garry frank and co. You would be competive at many places. Watch how your numbers will rise!! Its just a fact, they will.

    Welcome aboard. Whatever you can ask we will answer the best we can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    welcome aboard,and i agree...that are not bad lifts......

  8. #8
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. I built a 12 week WS routine (with some help from Benchmonster ... much thanks man) that I plan to start in a couple weeks. Since I'm going at it raw, I had to incorporate more full ROM lifts on ME bench and sq/dl days to maintain the feel of heavy weights at the bottom position. I have the routine on an Excel sheet, and as soon as I figure a way to post it here, I will. Thanks again for the welcomes.

    And no matter what you all say, I think my lifts suck for my weight.

    But I appreciate the support nonetheless.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    That deadlift looks good, man! Just stick to it and learn from the people on this board. Deep down, I actually envy you, because at your level of development, gains come quickly and easily.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Welcome to AR...nothing but advice here so enjoy.


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