Well my meet is 4 weeks from Sat. If my shirts dont do their usual i am very excited to see where i am. Since their is money on the line i will open in my light shirt and get secure. Then i will go (meet Pr) then big!!
I am excited cause i have been doing speed work since June and man i really feel a difference. I have been doing speed for dead and squat since jan and love it, but now for bench i am really loving it. In my old posts i have listed my speed with a watch but this Mon was different we used doubled minis that added 110lbs to the top of our lockout. Butthis tiem we used 50lbs of chain. i used 185 bar weight for all sets and were all average 2.0 sec. But after i said lets load 225 with no bands or chains and see if i can do it in around 1.5 sec. Will i wasnt trying to be funny at all when i un racked it, it felt really light of course, but i dropped down then when i pressed up at lockout my body shot up about 8 inches or more!! I re racked and did my 3 reps and for the first time ever i had to literally slow down to press it fast! Confusing i know but i did it in 1.8 sec and literally had to slow down to complete 3 reps. PR 'd on boards after wards and lockouts are great too. Will be shirtin for the next 4 weeks on ME thurs.
Man i wish i could warm up with bands and boards at the meet!!