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Thread: SPEED is KING!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    SPEED is KING!!

    Well my meet is 4 weeks from Sat. If my shirts dont do their usual i am very excited to see where i am. Since their is money on the line i will open in my light shirt and get secure. Then i will go (meet Pr) then big!!

    I am excited cause i have been doing speed work since June and man i really feel a difference. I have been doing speed for dead and squat since jan and love it, but now for bench i am really loving it. In my old posts i have listed my speed with a watch but this Mon was different we used doubled minis that added 110lbs to the top of our lockout. Butthis tiem we used 50lbs of chain. i used 185 bar weight for all sets and were all average 2.0 sec. But after i said lets load 225 with no bands or chains and see if i can do it in around 1.5 sec. Will i wasnt trying to be funny at all when i un racked it, it felt really light of course, but i dropped down then when i pressed up at lockout my body shot up about 8 inches or more!! I re racked and did my 3 reps and for the first time ever i had to literally slow down to press it fast! Confusing i know but i did it in 1.8 sec and literally had to slow down to complete 3 reps. PR 'd on boards after wards and lockouts are great too. Will be shirtin for the next 4 weeks on ME thurs.

    Man i wish i could warm up with bands and boards at the meet!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    this last speed day i did..the first weight i used was 50% of my raw max..i felt the speed was too slow so i dropped the weight down to 40% and my shoulder blades flew up off the bench a couple inches. i guess i'll go 45%? i'm getting some bands hopefully sometime. i wonder how long they take to get here after an order.

    another thing...i got ME bench coming up tomorrow..and i have 185 lbs of plastic/cement weights. lol...what could i do for my ME work?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    If you order over the phone you should get your bands in 5 days or less.

    Jump Stretch 1-800-344-3539


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    how are you so fast???
    i did speed work with 95 lbs bar weight plus a mini band, and came in around 2.5 seconds, and with 105 plus a mini around 3... i dont even think i can do the bar as fast as you do 225 .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks this way cheaper than off

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    PLjay is the damn Speed King for sure!

    Chad T.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Great Job Jay!
    WHy don't you try and warm up at the meet with bands or boards?
    (an unexperienced meet person talking) with the warm up rooms I've seen, only a few, I think you could do what you wanted

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    powerlifterjay,which one ya doin'? looks like you are ready for yet another you ever slow down

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks guys but i am truly obsessed with speed. And to all you that know me, Know this is something i never did. I have used bands every week for awile now. I love them choked down. Now when i need a break i suspend them up. But working with bands is no doubtthe reason i am fast. Plus i train with fast guys. Grimmer never went over 3 sec on his weight, and Jimmie Dean is under 3 all ways. And my 181lber is low 2's. And with using a stop watch we use speed day as a competition!

    RCK a PR will fall next month in O town. You coming to the meet?

    K1401 I have never seen anyone bring bands to warmu with. But i might bring minis to put behind my back. That i did think of doing for sure. My focus at this meet is speed down and up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Damn Jay!!! You are getting fast as fuck. I am willing to bet that youll PR in your meet as long as your shirt doesnt screw you up. I am begging you, lol, to work with the shirt for the next four weeks, I want to hear some big numbers by you bro!!! By the way I am getting ready to send you a PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Jay, has Irish or Deceiver or someone got a video of your DE bench somewhere online? I'd really like to see how it looks. Sounds incredibly fast!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i wish i had a video... i want to see it as well.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I am so slack i havent got it yet. In fact i havent recorded in anyting except the fullpower meet i did in june, and i havent sent that yet!! I need a copy made. I would liek him to put my 562 opener online cause its a 5 sec pause and the 600lbbench. I will tape speed work i guess. BUt what i am doing is using a 1 board. I dont wanna hit my chest with it cause i want it to basically stop for sec but i aint catching it in mid air. The one board someone said was from Bob youngs and thats what they use on speed day. When the bar stops an Inch and 1/2 off yoru chest that board stops it fast! I like it better then without. Believe it or not i am faster with out the board. thing is i am coming down super fast. I think thats where i am picking valuable .10 of a sec.

    Thur will shirt up and let everyone see how it goes. The plan? Lots of speed coming down. I figue i need momentum to touch quicker. To see the whole workout check the journal on irish site. The floor presses were doing after words are the best for lockout, speed, and mid range. I absolutly have fallen in love with these done like were doing them. I am dam sure a PR is gonna fall in Sept!

    How do you guys do speed. Hit the chest? Catch it? Or board?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    good luck with the PR...sounds like you wont need it. what are you aiming for?

    the 1 board for speed day sounds i hate it when the bar hits my chest on the way down..of course i'm probably being a baby..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I dont knwo what i will bench. I will open with 585 or 600 then go from there. Would liek to end with 625 to 635. I am also gonna drop back down to 242. i am 260 right now and feel a little too heavy!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i switch it up on the catching and hitting the chest. when the weight gets really heavy, it's a little more difficult to catch it. when i say hit the chest it isn't a hard hit. i'm not looking to cave my body in. it sounds like your speed is right on. i love floor presses as well. if it weren't for floors and boards i probably would stop lifting. they just rock!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    WOW that's all I have to say. DUDE your speed is fucking awesome. I WISH I could do it that fast with 135(no bands or chains) but stil i'm pretty slow I think i'm afraid when I come down i'm gonna break my sternum like one of my friends did 2 years ago and I witnessed it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    jay,where is the o-town one??? i'll come .where is it.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Fort Lauderdale, FL


    Faster than a speeding bullet

    More powerful than a locomotive

    ..PowerlifterJay's Bench

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The meet is in Winter Park. As of now i am not sure on details. But i will post them next week. I am gonna call the place and get directions. Should be a good turnout. Winner gets 2 tickets to vegas to see the Olympia. I never win the big ones. They always go to the 300 guy bening 650 and gets a huge handi cap. But i am there to set PR's. I really want my shirts to wrok right. Today in school i was sitting in a lecture and i am going over may attempts with the shirt that i will use tonight. Of course iw ill post that later!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Jay, everything is there for a huge bench. Just work in your shirts and you will kill it. I usually try to catch the bar, though I am gonna try a one board with bands this week. I'm gonna do like Halbert says and use bands for every Dyn day. I am also gonna start using bands for all ME stuff, except when I shirt up.

    Lectures are a good place to think. I sat in one the other day and drew up my plans for my reverse hyper. And a couple days before that I wrote down all the ME exercises I could think of. Isn't school great!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    good luck bro--i know youll smoke it

    that would be cool if all of us could get together and go like the good ol days--to root you on

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks Tapout. Its not far. And i am really hopeing i can dial in these shirts. Thursday it didnt go to plan. My shoulder hurt so bad i couldnt lock out my left arm. BUt i am taking care of that as we speak. Its not the old injury either. Its a muscle pain i developed in Mar of this year. It comes and goes. I think its from excessive band use. Once i take care of that i think the meet will be a success. Been riding my bike 4 times a week and am now up to 15 miles a pop. dropped from 260 to 252.

    The ONLY thing that will keep a big number from going up will be the dam shirts!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i've seen you hit big weight when shirts work properly just wish you could hit those weights 1 x at meet that i've seen you hit in the gym---it would really open some eyes

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2002
    When the moons align and the gods are out big weight could fly! Thes shirts are fuckin with me. I am actually fixinig to get me a closed neck denim. I never had this problem till the back came open. Back to the basics!

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