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Thread: Tried a new ME movement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl

    Tried a new ME movement

    I went into the gym today wanting to do suspended GMs but my chains D ring was broken so i decided to mess around with some bands. I took the light/pink bands and looped them arund th top of the cage like reverse band press but it was a Reverse Band GM. They only took about 40 lbs off at the bottom and released completey about 5 or 6 inches from the botom so the last 2/3rds was all weight. It felt really good. The best part was needing to get speed out of the hole in order to push it the rest of the way which was most of the movement. My best regular GM is 335 for a double that was fairly easy. I worked up to an easy 375 for a triple and decided to stop there as i was about to puke. Which means at the bottom it was about what my pr is regular 335, but at the top was 375. I know that i could have gone 405 for a single at least but i'm glad i didn't because right now my back is sore as shit and just fried. Remind me not to take so much ephedra/caffeine crap before my next work out! All in all i liked the movement a lot and my back did too , i recomend giving these a try if you want a little change.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    sounds like fun

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i like to do the suspended GMs with bands hooked at the bottom. that way i can get the top worked as well. because the whole challenge for me is getting the damn things off the chains/pins. glad to see you found an exercise you like. congrats on the PR. i'm sure all of us here on the powerlifting forum know your back pain after a hard GM workout.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hell ya! If anyone can make up some new shit its you. We missed you yesterday. But we were doing Good AMs to so were all on the same page.

    We might give that a try in a week or so. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    sounds pretty good.. maybei should try it out in a few weeks.

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