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Thread: I got tested at home last night!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa

    I got tested at home last night!

    No kidding. At 8:10 last night I heard the bell ring at my gate. When I went outside, there was a guy identifying hiself as an official of the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport and that he was there to take a urine sample. So I let him in and gave him what he wanted. Good lord! The South African IPF is not around when it comes to out-of-contest drug test! I normally get tested at literally every meet that I compete in but this was the first time ever that they actually came to my house and asked for a sample. They've been making threats like this for a long time and now finally put their money where their mouth is.

    At least I've got nothing to worry about as I train drug-free but it still feels like my privacy was rudely invaded. Does this kind of thing happen in the States too? I think/hope not.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    I have no idea about the SA Institute...but someone coming to my door so I can piss in a cup is definately intense. If it keeps the fairness in the lifts then so be it. I'd hope they make the exception for everyone though.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    That shit would never happen in the US. At least your clean!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Aragorn, just what I'm thinking. I mean, all of my peers here in SA know that I'm clean because I've been tested so many times. Yet, if this test was only a token gesture, then it doesn't mean anything and you'll always get people who cheat and get away with it.

    The other side of the coin is that, suppose SA start testing all their athletes left, right and centre, and other IPF countries do not, then where does that leave us at international level? I mean, if you look at the 2001 IPF Worlds results: If you totalled 2200lb in the 275lb+ division, you would have placed 5th! Don't tell me that those guys were tested randomly out of contest and never took any roids in preparation for that contest. Its not that I've got anything against pepole who juice but where's the fairness in this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Screwball
    That shit would never happen in the US. At least your clean!
    in the USAPL it prettty sure some big name lifters in the US have been OMT(out of meet tested)
    Last edited by deciever; 08-31-2002 at 06:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    From what i see , most true drug free athletes want OMT. I know if i was in the IPF and drug free i would be for it 100%. Ya its a little invasion but small price to pay. If they make it a regular thing you might weed out some of the cheaters. Since your drug free, i think its a good thing for ya. Just hope their gonna do the russians!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    redmond, wa
    someone showing up at my house with a pee-cup is going to get a mossberg pointed at their head and a foot caught in their ass-crack helping them find their way home.

    that is a ridiculous invasion of privacy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I like the way you think for the USAPL OMT testing, you will be called and notified of where to meet to be tested. I think its withing 24-72hrs of being called. To show up at someones door seems random and quite ignorant. What if they weren't home? What if they dont answer the door? Thats why in the US they have you meet at somewhere other than your home to be tested. If you dont show, you are banned.

    Chad T.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Was he really?

    Originally posted by BigArnie
    No kidding. At 8:10 last night I heard the bell ring at my gate. When I went outside, there was a guy identifying hiself as an official of the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport and that he was there to take a urine sample.
    You didn't mention whether he produced identification.

    You see, here in the States we think differently. Like, chances are that he really wasn't an SAIDS official, but simply some quirky fan with a fetish who wanted to obtain a sample of your urine . . . and drink it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    fan with a fetish who wanted to obtain a sample of your urine . . . and drink it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    TNT: ROFLMAO! If they want to drink my sample then be my guest!

    musc2002pa: 100% True. I'm all for random OMT but then they should phone me and make an appointment and not simply show up at my house late at night with a pee-cup in hand.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    tnt is right

    i can believe it was some sick freak just trying to sip on some salty sausage juice because girls come to my apartment on many occasions to collect my sperm sample

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Imagine that! If only they sent out beautiful young women who collected sperm samples instead on urine then steroid usage would fall to an all-time low and people would actually beg to be tested!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by BigArnie
    Imagine that! If only they sent out beautiful young women who collected sperm samples instead on urine then steroid usage would fall to an all-time low and people would actually beg to be tested!
    lmao.. im glad im part of a drug tested federation .

    How has your lifting been going? You almost to an 800 squat yet?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Deceiver, I'm trying someting completely new for a change. I've always been a squat and deadlift man but I think I've competed in too many powerlifting and strongman competitions during the last 6 months so my body is badly in need of some rest. Instead of taking time off, I've decided to try and fix my lagging bench once and for all while giving my back and legs a bit of a rest before my next powerlifting comp in November. I'm ordering a Titan Fury next week and will really try hard to shoot for a 500lb bench in November while only doing a token squat and deadlift. On the lower body side, I'll alternate 1 week DE legs followed by ME legs the next week just to get some recovery time without completely neglecting the lower body.

    Best of luck with your national record attempt!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    well i wont be setting any national records.. only an unofficial one. the national records require that the lift be performed in a national contest.. not a state contest.. go figure.

    Good luck with your bench,, the fury is supposed to be incredible. I want to get one once my bench becomes respectable.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    Just goes to show ya, rules are different for the better here in the US.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    damn that sucks bro I mean it's a good thing you weren't on a cycle and u lift drug free.

  19. #19
    OMT would not ever happen to me. If they came to my door and tried to pull that shit, they would quickly wish they had knocked on Irish's door instead. Fuck that shit. Invasion of privacy is correct. Invasion of spincter is what they need.

    I try and stay away from tested orgs. It is fine for those that want to do that, but no way can you keep it clean, so to me, why bother, just leave it alone and you have an even playing field.

    You could have been jacked to the gills on HGH, Clen, and Insulin, and that test would not have shown a damn thing. Tests in general are a joke. Think people in the olympics are not on the sauce? How about the NFL?

    I really feel for folks that have only one, oppressive organization to lift in. I hate it for you. Glad you passed tho.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    bench- im only have one oppressive organization to lift in. and i already got piss tested... lucky me.

    since you really feel for me, how about sending me over one of your double denim bench shirts so i can try it out.

    Is anyone here else a member of the USAPL/IPF?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    This is what us USAPL/IPF lifters got to live with:
    * Short wraps with no velcro
    * No monolift - walk out of rack
    * No squat brief
    * Single ply poly only
    * Very deep passing depth on squat
    * Wait for command before commencing the bench
    * No command at bottom of bench, but long pause nonetheless
    * No velcro or open-backed bench shirts
    * Drug testing at every meet
    * Not even the slightest uneven extension allowed on the bench
    * OMT for drugs

  22. #22
    Deciever, I tell you what. I have a shirt here that is too small for me. Would take well over 600 to even get close to touching. It is for a 44 inch chest, and 16 or 17 inch arms. When you get to there, holler at me, and that shirt is yours. Deal?

    BigArnie - I have never lifted there, and you just named all the top reason's why. God Bless you guys who are able to put up with that crap in the name of powerlifting.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey bench are you serious about that shirt, b/c if you are send me an email [email protected] i'll buy it off ya those are practically my measurements and I need a shirt but if I figured a used one that fits me will be cheaper. I work at a grocery store $$ situation sucks for me.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Cubanito17
    hey bench are you serious about that shirt, b/c if you are send me an email [email protected] i'll buy it off ya those are practically my measurements and I need a shirt but if I figured a used one that fits me will be cheaper. I work at a grocery store $$ situation sucks for me.
    thats it.. just steal my only opportunity at a good shirt... if i got it, i was going to have b-monster sign and then put it up on ebay (im a USAPL guy , i have no use for denim)... so iguess you deserve it more.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A benchmonster i can wear that shirt bro! You know me i will squezze in it!!

  26. #26
    jay, it would take me, Jimmie Dean, Irish, Garry Frank, and about a gallon of astroglide to get you into this shirt. I can hardly get it over my elbows, and your arms are at least an inch bigger than mine, maybe closer to two. If we ever got you in it, and you did not pass out from it, I don't think you could even grab the bar at your regular grip while the bar is racked. It is that tight.

    I am going to drop down to the 198's and set a new state record in that shirt in the spring, I think. After that, it belongs to either, Cubanito, or Deciever, whoever comes close enough to fitting into it. Cubanito, get a hold of me at [email protected] Deceiver, start eating like a madman.

    Weighing 235ish right now, going to lift in the 242's next Saturday. I feel bloated like a toad.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    okay so i have to gain 5 inches on my chest (flexed), and 2-3 inches on my flexed arm... i guess thats doable..

    to make the trade fair, you can have my poly doesnt do shit for me.

    what are you aiming for at your upcoming meet?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey, what about me bench? lol

    i fit the exact measurements, well...just about

    42 inch chest
    17 1/4 inch arms

    oh well

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    that crazy shit bro... i couldnt picture someone coming to mah door and saying..........wassup $uperman , i need ya piss for me ok ? id be like wtf ?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    $uperman, it's like Jay said earlier. I compete in a drug-tested federation and the only thing I want is a level playing field. That's why OMT is fine by my but what I can't understand is how they can simply rock up at my house and invade my privacy without notiftying me beforehand.

    Hey guys, my shirt tore at the Nationals in July so seeing that donations are being talked about, don't forget about me. What's more, I've got the added disadvantage of having to earn our local crap currency and then fork out US$ for a replacement!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    big arnie.. i think your too big for a hand me down shirt.

    whatr shirt were you using at nationals?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Deciever, just teasing! I'll probably have a rather hard time getting my fat ass into your shirt.

    I was using an old Inzer Blast at the time. I've had the shirt repaired and will probably use it one last time next Saturday during a bench-only meet when I'll be aiming for a 473lb PR. After that, I'm going to have the back cut open and have velcro put in so that it will become much easier to put on during ME workouts. In the meantime, I'll probably order my Titan Fury next week.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2002
    LOL Bench i am known to go tight but thats extreme! Belive it or not i got a shirt with a 45 chest, 54 shoulders, 17 1/2 arms and thats my tightest and cant get 675 to touch. Its my 198 to non bloated 220 shirt. Actually Teen Myth has it right now. I told him its a waste of his time to even wear it.

    Big Arnie i wouldnt mind the invasion of privacy too much as long as i know the others are getting it too. Then you knwo there really doing there best to keep it clean. And Fair.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey bench i'll hit ya up on email tomm I don't have time right now I just read this...

    Hey deciever my bad bro don't mean to be takin ur shit just gain about 80lbs and then if bench lets me hold it after that it's urs if you can fit into it
    Jay if you can fit into that shirt than damn that's fuckin incredibly tight.

    Right now my measurements are chest relaxed 43 shoulder relaxed 53 arms relaxed 15 1/4 arms flexed 17

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Damn I feel like a fat ass. Mine are 52 chest 60 shoulder, 18.5 arm.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Musc2002pa , hey man thats just my shirt size. I myself am relaxed 52chest,60shoulders,18 1/2 relaxed. Dam bro were the same!

    The shirt i got 600 in is a 46chest, 54 shouldr, 17 1/2 arm. It takes 600 plus to touch. My opener shirt is a 47chest, 55 shoulder, and 18 arm. It takes 550 plus to touch. Open back denim.

    What size shirt to you were?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The shirt I had that blew out was 50 chest 56 shoulder 17.5 arm. It was an open back denim single radical cut. It would take about 475-500 to touch on its own, but I would just row the weight down. I got 440 pretty easy in it. Then I went to a meet tried to row down 425 and blew it.

    Went to my back up shirt 52 chest 57 shoulder 18 arm, and blew it out too.

    I talked to John Inzer on the phone and he said that he never intended to make the radical in a single layer. SO hes making me a double radical cut, and a new phenom shirt. We'll see how those do.


  38. #38
    Hey guys, sorry to be getting back to you folks so late. Cubanito, I tell you what, get a hold of me by e-mail, if you want, just promise that when you outgrow it that and deciever grows into it that he gets it.

    Deciever, I am opening at 500, then 525, then 550. I have gone up to a 565 2 board press recently that was a smoke show, and a 585 that was locked out strong after a bump on the boards. If all goes well, then it may be a good day, just got to keep in groove and push the bar up straight and not back over the face.

    Jay, there is no way on this shirt. Not even Halbert wears one this tight, it might have fit him at 198, maybe. Right now I am a 49 inch chest relaxed, arms right at 16.5 hanging, not sure flexed, probly 18ish, and shoulders I think 54 or 55. My shirt is a 46 inch chest, which is what my chest is with no air in it, 16 inch arms. This is my for real shirt, not the one I am talking about sending to Cubanito.


  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey bench it's a promise hopefully after the OCT meet and the DEC meet for christmas I'll have enough money to get my own shirt or maybe even as a christmas present I'll get a shirt. So I believe I did send ya an email let me know if you got it.

    but deciever since it was suppose to be yours first, it will be yours once you grow into it or if I don't fit into it anymore.

    bench what type of shirt is it and what are the demensions. email me back.

    [email protected]

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Bench, those are some incredible weights, man! Keep going!

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