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Thread: Is this enough time to prepare for a meet???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Is this enough time to prepare for a meet???

    Hey guys I was plannin on doing BOB's meet in lantana on OCT 26 this is a bench only meet. BUT I wanted to do Nationals on DEC 1 where for me it would be Nov 30 due to weight class and teen division. Will I have enough time to RECOUP in that short period of time in my bench????? Or will I just most likely bench the same amount of weight I do on OCT 26 on NOV 30??????

    A lil help I guess I'm tryin to see if i'll have enough time to recoup or if I should drop a meet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    I think it would be ok to do the bench meet, I think you'll be able to recover just fine but that's just my opinion. Nobody knows your body better than you.
    If you think you can do it give it a shot in fact it maybe a good idea (if you can recover) you may learn something at that meet to help you at the Nationals.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pretoria, South Africa
    The bench is by far the easiest of the three lifts to recover from. It should probably not be a problem to do both.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Tampa Fl
    You are going to needwork in yiur shirt if yoiu ge one and bobs is a good place to try it out. You will benefit from it in Dec. YOu have more than enough time to recover over a month. would go into bobs not really taking to much time off and i would still probably do a max effort day the week of jus go a litle lighter. This is my opinion because Dec. should be the meet yoiu are training for.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Should be no problem. In june i did a full power meet then one week later did a bench meet. Go fo it, you will be glad to have got the experince.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You have plenty of time. I'm only three weeks out from my second meet.Then I'll go the next week and compete again. Bench only. Go for it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Aigh thanks for the responses I kinda figured i'd be able to do it thats why I planned on it but I wanted to make sure so I wouldn't have an excuse to bitch and complain in case if I don't get my lift in DEC.

    GRIMM if i ever get a shirt then I'll have time to work on it. I know two bros told me they'd try to get one to me but I havn't heard from them so I'm kinda waitin and at the same time tryin to save $$ to just buy one even if it's a single poly.

    Jay It'll be good to see ya and all the guys again up in DEC hopefully by then i'll have fixed my problem of goin parallel without a box instead of either too high and i'll get called for height or going a lil too low and when the weight starts gettin heavy(for me) I just give out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    cubanito- how's your bench grip been doing? h ave you moved it out yet?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    well this REALLY SUCKS yes I moved out to pinky on the power rings yesterday and I was doing ME on 1 board so pretty much I know I can get that weight off my chest so you can say I maxed out . Well I did 315 and that was fairly easy a bit of a struggle in the middle so I went 325 and fucking J HOOKED IT i'm not used to wide. BUT i have been tryin to do all my extra SUPP work wide especially lats. the reason i said 315 sucked was b/c closer I've done 335 off 1 board. like 3 weeks ago. SO i'm HOPING like GRIMM and the rest of the guys said the strength will come back to me. And then HOPEFULLY I can get a shirt if my boyz hook me up wit one and see how much I can do in that. I'll keep ya posted like in 4 weeks accordin to my new westside mini cycle i'll be doin a 2 board i know I can do that raw so I'll let ya know what I hit on the 2 board.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    your strength WILL come back... are you using leg drive? itwill help so much!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    ye i'm tryin to work on the leg drive thing too. upset for one thing although I J hooked 325 and i got it back down to my the board i needed more than my bro to help get it up off my chest but then i went down to 135 and i worked on my leg drive a lil i feel that when i get heavier i tend to raise my butt a lil. HOW do you STOP that from happening?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    not sure about the but raising thing, but try practicing the leg drive with about 200 lbs, with a pause... i find it is easier to see how much it helps that way..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    If your butt is coming off the bench, move your feet a little bit out further. If your feet get too far back, your butt will come off the bench.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    well i've tried many ways of positioning my legs i've tried putting them out as far as I can push off from the floor i've tried bringing my legs back as far as they can go where i'm pushing off my toes practically then just where they are at my sides and nothing my butt stil comes up. I've seen all those forms from diff guys so i tried to see which one worked for me. Also i've tried putting a 45lb plate under my legs to see if it helps any but it really doesn't a lil bit but not much.

    DECIEVER i'll try with higher weight on friday i'll do a single or two after DE bench to test leg drive.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    dont push through your toes.. drive through your heels!

    i think if you have a problem with your butt coming up keep your legs out in front of you.. that should at least make it harder for you to get your ass in the air.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    i guess i'll try that

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Cubanito, do you train with Bob Youngs?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    NO I'D LOVE TOO I Mean no offense if I trained with him I really wouldn't have to post on here. BUT The thing is with college now I won't have enough time and $$ for gas to drive down to lantana everday it's an hour away from me but I mean if it wasn't for that HELL i'd train with him. I've talked to him before and have gone to one of his meets on OCT 26 i'll be competin in it and I know he told me back in like DEC or somethin that he was gonna open up a gym if I wanted to train with him but once again I can't see my gym is 2 miles away from my house so not that $$ and the membership is $300/year they let me pay monthly b/c I know the owner so that's a plus if not it'd be like $45/month so I save some cash their.

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