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Thread: DE question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    DE question

    just need to clear this up. I know im supposed to work up to heavy doubles and singles but my question is should this be my max weight on the exercise or just the max weight i can do explosivley...which should be around 60% or so of my max. If someone could clear this up i would really appreciate it. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    DE would be Dynamic effort, or SPEED. You wont be doing heavy doubles or singles for DE day, but you will for Max Effort (ME) day.

    On DE day, for squat and bench, the weight you use will be between 40-60% of your 1RM. For squats, you will do doubles very explosively, and bench you will do triples explosvely

    On ME day, here is where you do your heavy singles, doubles etc. You will essentially max out on a particular Special exercise. For Goodmornings, you could work up to a max set of triples. Push yourself. go as heavy as you can for triples. Bench, you may do 2-board press for a single. Workup to the heaviest single you can do.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    ok i understand now.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey man about the goodmornings work up to a best triple that stil feels like you have a better triple left in the tank and then go up to a single and if you want and your back feels up to it GO BALLS TO THE WALL. I'm tellin you this b/c I thought a while back I was gonna be the BIGGEST hard ass and work up to the heaviest triple where I could barely do my last rep and I pulled a muscle in my lower back enough that my spotter heard my back pop and I dropped to the floor with the help of the guys on this board that were over on elite when this happened I've fully recouped.

    Before injury best GM was 205X2 now after all recouped best GM 275X2, If you ever hear anyone try to tell you that recoup work is bullshit, do me a favor and shut em up.

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