Thread: trainging style help
03-12-2008, 11:21 PM #1
trainging style help
is there a workout plan geared more towards people who use a closer grip.. just by really looking into different workout plans it seems alot of them are kinda geared towards people that use a wide grip.
i'm 5'9'' 210-220lb, i had been droppin down to 198lb to compete in local events, and law enforcement events. many times wanting to do fed events. i finally decided my problem is tho i have plenty of fat to drop from my natural weight. but my body just doesn't act the same at the lower precentages.. so i decided this summer i want to do a few big meets, mainly looking at the 100% raw fed. i decided i would not try droppin weight anymore, for i over train very fast when i lose weight, plus shoulders start bothering me for some reason.
i had planned to start a westside training plan on monday. but just wondering if anybody knows if another method or plan would be better for a close grip bencher would be..
i have gotten 475lb raw on a pause, and feel i could get 10-15 more if i just had alittle better training
03-13-2008, 09:07 PM #2
my only question is why not go wide? i cant think of another reason besides a pec injury. how close is your grip? the chest is a much larger muscle group than the triceps which is essentialy what you are mainly using or relying on more when you use a close grip. the closest grip i could imagine for anyone your size would be pinkys on the knurlings AKA rings on the bar.
03-17-2008, 12:00 PM #3
pinkys on the knurlings is what i use.. i might have implied it more extreme then i should i am sorry... my questino it seems alot of the extra work on most work outs for speed work is for the triceps in most template workout plans, is that going to hurt me?
and in all honesty i have tried opening my grip and it feels weird to me, and usually have to drop weight to lift that way
well, drop the weight. If you go to wide grip(even slowly) you'll build up your chest a lot more, id say it's worth the light weight.
03-17-2008, 07:27 PM #5
03-17-2008, 07:31 PM #6
no it wont hurt. just make sure to emphasize the tris by taking a closer grip on the auxillaries and not use the same grip for boards and lockouts
try wide. give it time. work with the lighter weight until it feels right. try to get at least to middle fingers on the knurlings. how tall are you? do you have long or shirt arms? do you use bench shirts or do you only press raw?
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