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  1. #1
    GearIdentity is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    Help with Squat Suit?


    Im a 210lb PL rookie, trying to get my set of gear. Ive purchased a double denim bench shirt that fit well, and a z-suit (2 actually) that did not fit at all. Im returning the squat suit and looking into other squat suits. Should I try another z-suit or is there something better I can buy? In other words, what squat would you guys recomend for an APF lifter wanting to make the right investment?
    Last edited by GearIdentity; 09-03-2008 at 01:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Tony Q is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008
    Nobody uses double denim shirts anymore... Get a double ply rage x or phenom to start with... Squat suit, get a double ply hard core.

  3. #3
    power0311's Avatar
    power0311 is offline Junior Member
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    in the mono rack
    i belive ur wrong on the bench shirts everybody i train with uses denims...far as a squat suit buy u a nice canvas that is where the big squats come from...ginny's makes a real nice canvas

  4. #4
    Tony Q is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008
    Most of the best benchers use poly shirts... You want a beginner to start with a canvas? hahahahahahahaha

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by power0311 View Post
    i belive ur wrong on the bench shirts everybody i train with uses denims...far as a squat suit buy u a nice canvas that is where the big squats come from...ginny's makes a real nice canvas
    denim is dead trust me. only a few people still use them. poly is the way to go. the double rage's x's ,katana's and super duper phemom's are the shirts of choice (kenelly, luyando, lattimer, rychlak use super phenoms. frankl, becca swanson and all of the big iron lifters use rage x's whcih are pretty much the same as the katana shirts.) best benchers are now in poly.

    as far as the squat suit goes a lot of people are using canvas, or if poly than they use the metal ace(what i use) i myself went right from raw in to multi ply. only way to learn how to use these suits is to get in them and keep going. squating in single ply vs multi are two different worlds and usually two different stances.

  6. #6
    mateo112's Avatar
    mateo112 is offline Associate Member
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    on the squat suit it depends on how you squat.

    canvas is going to have alot of stopping power but little pop out of the hole.

    poly suit will give you pop out of the hole.

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