I know, I know, it takes much, much more than a ME squat and bench day to be a powerlifter, but damn do I feel like one! First off, my hats off to all of you who have what it takes to hit the tris and hamstrings day in and day out like that...While I'd occassionally attacked tris in that manner, I don't think I've ever felt this kind of persistent soreness in my hamstrings.
To top all of this off, I'm going to my first meet in december - just to watch, though. Hoping my enthusiasm keeps up, though I'm sure it will. One question, though, I'd always been under the impression that one's board press 1RM would be higher than their "regular" bench 1RM. However, on my board presses yesterday, after working up to a set of one, my final set at 300 felt a hell of a lot harder than 300 does while doing your standard bench press (and, no, i'm not a "bouncer" so that doesn't account for it)...does this just take some getting used to? Or is it indicative of the fact that my tris maybe suck that bad that they by themselves have trouble getting through that point without that bottom portion assistance of the chest? Any information would be greatly appreciated.