I was 253 pounds benching 455 raw body percent fat around 21 percent
went down on a diet for 4 months and now weight 212 bench 385 raw body percent around 14 percent I am pretty sure. have my top abs showing some and a little belly fat to get rid of. I would like to take something that would help me finish my goal off having abs and bench 405 or more. last week i cut weight to 196 in 30 hours threw a blast bench shirt for the first time ever size 48 used one and blasted 405 and hit 425 but really hard and ugly.
i was think some test and winni would be a good first cycle for me. I do have a little anger from time to time so i dont want the test to put me over the edge or anything,
my long term goals would be to powerlift at 198 weight class or 220.
so any advice would be great
6 foot
212 pounds
bf 14( really a guess thats based of neck and waiste measurment military style)
waist 34 inches neck 16.25 chest 44
22 years old been lifting since i was 16
bench 500 raw
in weight class 198 or 220
like to run a 8 or 12 week cycle.
thanks for any info