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Thread: What kind of BF% before first cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    What kind of BF% before first cycle?

    Ok I'm close to starting my first cycle (within a week), and I was wondering what bf% I should be looking for before I start. The Q&A section tends to say you need pretty low bf, but this seems like it is more geared towards BB'ers, and not powerlifters.

    My bf is ~18%, and dropping at a decent pace. I'm curious as a powerlifter, what should I be aiming for. Would I be fine starting it now?

    And if the blood pressure is the problem (i.e they assume ppl with higher bf have hihg bp) then I'm fine there, as my bp is quite good.
    Last edited by xephonics; 08-03-2009 at 05:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    18% isnt that bad
    as a power lifter i think 11-15% is a good range, it all depends on where u find it comfortable
    u dont want to be to low in bodyfat, or to high either
    just somewhere thats comfortable so u can hold alot of strength
    BUT remeber everyone is different, so not all bodyfat% effect people the same.
    id say u should be under 15% IMO just because ive been that high and dont see the need to be ANY higher, i think beyond that isnt needed, since strength isnt improved compared to weight and mobility or fitness losses

    i do think 18% is a little high,
    if ur bf is like u say it is still dropping fast, then DONT start ur first cycle if ur still dropping fat easily
    its better u drop the weight first then cycle, NOT start a cycle and gain more weight and then have to diet that off,
    its better u start the cycle leaner, that way u can eat higher calories and pack on more size without worrying To Much about fat gains, especially on a cycle

    i think once u find a comfortable bf% u can lift with, and good strength base then ur ready to cycle

    also aslong as u meet cycling requirments already outlined in the forums

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm 28, weigh ~208, been training since 1999, but on and off mostly, but been pretty steady for the last yr or so. Diet is pretty clean, on a slight bulk calorie wise. doing 30 mins of cardio every other night, etc

    Btw my body fat when doing to measuring tape is 17-18 right now. It seems i've been losing a good bit of water weight since I've quit drinking this past week, and I've been working on taking in less salt.
    Last edited by xephonics; 08-04-2009 at 05:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    i think its best u wait to cycle

    if ur still getting GOOD results without a cycle then u DONT need it

    i think ur best training without the cycle

    u should use cycles when uve hit a good platue, or acheieved a build ur happy with

    a cycle would be effective now BUT remeber if u cycle later when uve hit a platue or further into ur genetic potential, u will get more out of ur cycle because uve already got a big build

    doing a cycle to early will be a waste, since ur only helping ur gains that u could have already achieved without steroids


    also what are ur lifts?
    bench press
    dumbell rows
    BE HONEST in ur ansers because its the only way we will be able to help u best

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    I've been getting really slow gains on strength lately, I think it is probably cus im working 50-70 hrs a week
    Deadlift 425-50 (depending on what day)
    squat basically same as deadlift (these are to parallel)
    bench 250-275 (shitty cus i've hit a hard plateau, cannot seem to get it to go up)

    My lifts were higher about 1.5yrs ago, but then I re-aggravated a hernia i was born with, so I was off of weightlifting for 6 months or more, and lost almost everything.
    Last edited by xephonics; 08-08-2009 at 05:39 PM.

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