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Thread: First post here !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    First post here !

    I came over here from the over 40 forums to ask you guys a question . Please indulge me with my story and possible answer .

    I'm not a power lifter or bodybuilder , just a 46 year old gym rat .

    I been lifting since 1982 . I thought if I could bench with 1 big plate each side I would be the man . Time passed and the 2 plate idea was in my head . Then the idea of doing 225 w/o a spotter I would be the man . Then if I could do 275 . I would be happy .
    Ok , Enough with my life story . Now this week I was doing chest . There was what I call a power lifter across from me . ( big guy doing 405 ) . I asked for a spot doing 295 . I told him no lift off and don't touch the bar . I did 2 reps . Then in a few minutes I asked him to spot 305 . Not to touch the bar or lift off . Did a little slow .
    We started talking and I told him If I did 315 I would be the man . He said if I accepted the lift off I could it . What the hell !
    I took the lift off , Went down ok . was going up slow , 1/2 way stopped for 1 or 2 seconds . I growled in a disturbing voice "" Dont touch it " .Got it up. .
    He says that was crazy , When you stopped you brought your elbows out and powered it up . I was scratching my head like WTF . Then I drop down to 225 and easily do 11 reps with elbows out . HMMMM !

    So now my questions are :
    1. Have I benched with poor form or technique my entire life ?
    2. Is this a power lifting technique keeping elbows out from the body and parallel to the bar .

    The more I think about it . I wonder if I am doing something wrong with my dead lift and squats . Maybe another day .

    Thank you for any information you can pass on .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I can`t see you email here. Post you email, and I can post for you Russian banchpress program in Microsoft Excel.

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