Hey guys, im going to be doing 3x6's for strength only purposes when my cutter gets here pretty soon and i wanted to know what is the most effective strength building routine (in terms of days off/on).

I had it like this:

Mon: Legs
Tues: Chest/shoulders
Wed: back/arms
Thurs: Legs
Fri: CHest/shoulders
Sat: back/arms
Sun: off

ive had multiple people say this is way to much and a possiblity of over training/a bb routine and that i should come to this part of the forum to ask for advice. But i feel since i did ok with this routine (granted it was 5x5) until the end of my bulking cycle even though that's obviously way to much volume and frequency and towards the end of my cycle i over trained. But this was also a time in my life where i was always stressed, run down, and not happy because of outside influences non related to lifting that effects my cycle and got hardly any sleep and my diet suffered towards the end, hence the reason for over training. This summer though when i cut ill be in a virtually stress free zone, tons of sleep, food, and above all im happier, so i think id be able to handle this. Anyways my goal is strength so whichever way will give me the fastest gains im open to hear it. Thanks

I'll be running tren 350mg/wk and test prop 525mg/wk cutting