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I know most people here are into general fitness, but I know there are also bodybuilders, and least of all, powerlifters.
It is that time of year again, and my training has just shifted back to powerlifting for upcoming meets this fall.
I have always just freestyled my training in powerlifting and saw good results.
I trained with Ron Palmer for awhile and although I learned equipment pretty well, my raw power went down, which was no good since I compete raw.
I have had an open invitation to train with Rocky Tilson, but I can't get to where he is regularly enough.
I have hung out with a few WPO champions and picked their brains for awhile to help give me an over all good idea of how to approach the three big lifts. People like Kara Bohigan, Dondell Blue, Tony Conyers, Ron Palmer, Rocky Tilson, Dr. Latch, Nick Winters, and some others.
Anyway, when this time of year comes around, I usually start thinking about following a pre written routine for maximum gains. I looked at Westside stuff, and it is just far too complicated, and involves too much band, chain, shirt, suit, etc work.
I have always been a BIG FAN of Russian EVERYTHING. I found a system of Russian Strength Training developed by Boris Sheiko that is simply refered to as "Sheiko Training".
It seems solid, I just started it and like it alot so far, and I have read good reviews.
WELL!!!!!! Since I really respect alot of the members here, and their knowledge on all aspects of training, I wanted to know what you guys had to say about Sheiko training or even just good Strength Routines/Methods in general.
Any advice would be apreciated
Oh, right now these are my current stats:
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195lbs
Bench Press: 395lbs
Deadlift: 500lbs
Squat: 405lbs
These lifts are completely raw, no suits, shirts, wraps of any kind, etc.
On my squat, I currently do shoulder width stance, ass to grass (I literally sit on my ankles and pause in the hole before going back up). Deadlift is also conventional, not sumo.
I am hoping for a national record in bench press, My class is Junior 198lbs and the National Raw Record Bench Press is 385. I can do 395 touch and go, but i want to get even more, so I can be sure I can do at least 390 clean competition style.