wow, she is something else
wow, she is something else
bump for Laura.
hard seeing a girl lift more then you ever will huh fellas lol
Last edited by terraj; 02-02-2011 at 07:06 AM.
She's amazing
Laura will go down as one of the top female Powerlifters in history not to mention her squat is by far her best lift! her training comes in at 3:33 in the vid
Stay Strong,
she is gtg
pretty crazy strength
That's one BAAAAD BITCH!!!!
WTF! 510 on the bench? ? ??
Damn, she looks tiny. Amazing lifts.
It looks to me like those are 2 - 100's on each side
Yeah those aren't 45s
not to sound like a dick head. because she is ungodly amazing
BUT, she has become one of those lifters that judges "help" a little. which isn't really a fault on her, and its not un-common in powerlifting when it comes to big names in some federations. . .
and i know i sound like an asshole for saying it, because her lifts are great even if equipped. .
You're right Quarry. Too many of these organizations are passing bogus lifts for the benefit of these high profile lifters and not the sport itself. Its basterdizing the sport and causing many to stop competing. I only do local meets now and have no desire to compete on the national scene because of the bullshit I see.
^^^^Their all real, brotha!! Her technique and execution are flawless and she really knows how to work her equipment. Not taking anything away, because she's ridiculously strong without the equipment, but all her lifts are legit.
was just checking it out again and noticed the crazy foot positioning!
when i was competing in BAWLA federation, both feet had to be flat on the ground or it was three red lights
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